William Jessup University Top Questions

What should every freshman at William Jessup University know before they start?


Becca Lynn, I have a few words of advice for you. Prepare yourself for an adventure. You are about to eat, sleep, and practice with your team, while making lifelong friendships. You will become a master at time management, juggling long hours of homework, cramming for tests, hours between classes, softball practice, study hall and life. You will have classes that will challenge you, professors that bore you and professors that will make you passionate about what they are teaching. Remember that college is about new experiences, embrace every opportunity that comes along. You may change your mind several times about your career path, that is ok! If you ever fell overwhelmed, just remember you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Hard work, Always pays off. Finishing college and receiving your degree will be one of the happiest days of your life. I will be right there with you!