Westminster College-Salt Lake City Top Questions

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Westminster can be the perfect choice for many people. If you are an outgoing person, love outdoors, environmentally friendly, open-minded, and wanting to challenge for your self and others. Come to Westminster college. Just beware that transit sucks here if you have no car, because Utah feels that people should not be out late so shut down half of the bus routs. Many restaurants, stores are closed on Sundays. Also there is very little diversity here, so if you are wanting to see a variety of culture there is very little in at Westminster and the surrounding community.


Westminster needs to listen to their students!!! There are a lot of extremely bright students here with really good ideas. I don't think its fair for those ideas to go unheard. There should be an easier and more productive way for students to voice what they would like to change on campus. I realize there are certain rules that would make a lot of the suggestions impossible, but there has to be some middle ground that can be met.


I love this school.


I absolutely love it here! After I graduate, I'd take any kind of campus job just to keep coming here. :)


Campus can seem creepy at night but relish in the silence, there's nothing to be afraid of.


Being a small school just a few blocks from The University of Utah is really a good thing. You still get that feeling of being at a big school, but you can really escape it whenever you need to. Both schools have social scenes that spill over into eachother.


If you get the money to come here and it doesnt hurt your wallet then it is a great opportunity. As the cost of Westminster increases however, it is harder to figure out how to continue paying for it. With the amount of classes people take, having a job and going to school may hurt grades which may lead to less scholarships. Some people have figured this out and are very good at balancing such things but if you are not one of them, you better have the money or maybe this place is not right for you. When you break down the pros and cons the only con that really stands out is price in my opinion.


I love Westminster College!!


Overall I like Westminster but they could do more to support students who are not studying science and students who are not of caucasain or asain background.


I love Westminster and everything they have to offer! The education program is GREAT!! all of the professors just want to make you into a great teacher, teaching you not only the material, but also giving you ideas on how to approach the topic for different grades! I love it here!!