If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would first tell myself to relax, I definitely made the right decision. I would tell myself not to worry about what roommate I was going to get because we would end up being best friends and rooming together for many more years. I would tell myself to not worry about my current boyfriend, because college shows you that he isn't the one that matters in your life, that you can do whatever you want and can achieve far more than you'll ever know. Outside of my social life, I would tell myself not to stress so much over the amount of classes I needed to take. Slow down and take a breath. You don't need to pack 20 hours into one semester; some of those classes can wait a year. I would tell myself that I would find who I was supposed to be; that I wasn't going to fail like everyone from my hometown thought I would. Being in a small town, everyone is jealous. You can succeed in whatever you want. You are the one who owns your future.
The most important thing to do is stop and appericate your family everyday. Even though odd are you have your differences, going to college is a family effort. From the support they provide you, to the guidence and love you need, and that tuition check they will likely be writing once a month, your family is a key part to your success beyond high school. With that being said, start making and following good studying habbits now. It is hard to buckle down and put school first when you're emersed in such a new and fun environment and if you do not put school first, you will easily fall behind. Most importantly, start thinking about what YOU want to do in life. College is the first step you will take towards your future as an adult. Think about what you are passionate about and stick with it.
I would advise my high school senior self to not slack off and to keep pushing through class and school. You should have a plan about where you wanna attend college and what kind of field you wanna study in. I would tell myself that life isnt just about football and that my coaches would just tell my teachers to pass me, in the end that just hurt me more because that would encourage me to slack off even more. Not every person that says, "I'll always be there for you", will always be there for you and not to depend on others, you have to be the one to do everything in life for yourself if you wanna excel in life and in your career as a senior. Get things done, dont cheat your way through, go to sleep early, don't skip school and most importantly be a leader and dont follow losers. College isnt hard if your prepared, so learn about the college your gonna go to, research the programs that they offer. But definitly learn about how to get money by scholarships and grants so you wont have to worry about paying for college.
If I could go back in time and truly have a deep conversation with my high school self and offer some words of wisdom regarding college life and the difficult transition I would stress that it is important to be myself and not worry about stressing to fit in. The credit cards and excessive shopping will not make the lonliness go away; it will only ostracize myself from my peers who do not have the credit cards. Money can not fufil the void left by parents splitting up and it will not make them love you more to see that you have grown up so much and dress like an adult. Debt is stressful and makes things difficult. Having a job is not the worst thing in the world but when you get a job, you will actually make some true friends that have some of the same problems as you. Do not be afraid to leave your dorm and just meet new people at the gym and in the cafeteria. Most people are just as scared as you and would love to be friends with someone new.
Take as many college credit course as you can before you graduate highschool. When in college try to study harder and dont party so much.
Study! Study whenever you can, because the material is tricky. Plus you need to find time for everything. Study right after your classes to make sure the material sticks. Also the libiary is going to be your best friend, that will be the second place you attend the most besides your dorm. Lastly dont worry about your major yet and dont stress yourself out with it. GEt core classes out of the way to see what you enjoy. The major you decide to do is going to be with you for the rest of your life might as well enjoy it.
I would say that I need to make sure that I really like the school I am about to attend rather than just pick out a school without loving every little detail about it. Also that it should be a school that I absolutely love and that it can help me in becoming what I want to when I am finished with my education.
Upon meeting my past self in high school, I would, as a college student tell her that college is a whole different life from high school. I would tell her that is a very intelligent young lady and can definitely pull off the acedemic side of college. However it would be more difficult to pull off over a 4.0 GPA in college. She would really worry about that, but I would tell her that the professors are fantastic and will help her succeed in college. I would also tell her that her advisor will help her choose the courses that will help her in her career choices. Those classes will not be a waste of time.
Although, there is a more challenging side to college. I would inform my past self that it will be hard to adjust to being on her own at first but in time, it will all be better. There are dorm advisors who will make her feel at home even if she will miss her loved ones. Lastly, I would tell my past self that college will be fulfilling and that she will become a very independant and successful woman.
Stay focused on the reason you are going to college and dont lets the distractions take you off your goals and path.
Hi Steph -
Guess what? College will be the best years of your life. You will make life-long friends, travel across the world and mature tremendously. Just make sure you slow down. Focus on today and not three years from now. There's nothing wrong with being career-driven, but make sure you enjoy the freedom you have in college. Don't bury your head in books to make the transition easier. Go to more football games, take a break and party sometimes. Relaxing won't prevent you from graduating with honors, and it won't affect your job prospects. Just don't go too crazy. I know you worked really hard to get here, but you will regret sacrificing the time you could have spent with your friends. After college, you'll all scatter across the country. Plus, it will make adjusting to college your first year so much easier.