I would most likely tell myself to apply to a few more scholarships, and to not worry so much about going to a new place that's bigger than anything I've known before because there will always be people like me there. I'd also tell myself to relax and enjoy my senior year, and also not to order my college textbooks five weeks early. Or to pack five weeks early as most eager pre college students tend to do.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior the biggest advice I'd give myself would be to make sure you work hard and bust your ass to be able to get the education that YOU want. I'm not saying to not have fun but be able to balance out what's important and what's not important.
better education
Popularity does not matter. It does not matter who has the most money, who looks the best, who the funniest person is, who the skinniest or most obese person is, who has the nicest car, who has the most well known family, or who is the most athletic. All that matters is who YOU are and what is important to YOU and for YOUR life. Don't worry about anybody else but yourself. Being a sophomore in college now, I speak to about 5 people I went to high school with. Some of the people I went to high school with who I wished I could be are now in worse positions than I am in life. I wish I knew this back in high school because I was always envious of other girls who had perfect hair, the newest Coach purse, and the best looking boyfriends. But today, I am happy with who I am, and I wouldn't want to be anybody else.
If I were to go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I don't think that I would tell myself to do anything differently. What I would do is tell myself to slow down and be thankful for the things that I have. I would tell myself to take advantage of the time spent at home with my family (particularly the home-cooked meals), be thankful for the money I have and not to be concerned with having more (because most of it will be gone when I go to college, and I'll just learn to be okay with that and survive without), and most importantly to enjoy the fellowship of the friends that I grew up with. At college you meet plenty of new people, and some of them you will have great fun with, but the relationships with them just aren't nearly as tight as the ones with the people you meet in K-12, and certainly not as close as with your family.
The transition from high school to college can be daunting for a lot of students. Moving away from home for the first time or being on your own can be scary, but you don't need to worry about it! You will be so busy with class work and making new friends that you'll hardly have time to be homesick or stressed out. Keep in mind that everyone else around you may be feeling the same thing, so use this opportunity to get to know your classmates while shrugging off some of the stress.
College is only four years, which seems like a long time when you're moving into your dorm and thinking about the next few years. It will go by so much faster than you think, so make the most of it! Join clubs and participate in activities, but remember to make time for yourself and your classes. If you're struggling to find a balance, talk to your friends or advisor about ways to stay on track. Again, everything may seem scary on the first day, but you will get the hang of it all in no time. Study hard, but have fun too!
I would tell myself to apply to as many scholarships as possible so that I would not have to worry about paying for college. I would also tell myself to work harder to obtain better grades so that my transcript would look more appealing to colleges and universitys.
I would tell myself to forget all the expectations I had. College is something completely different than anything you have experienced thus far in your life. If you go in with all these expectations you are likely to be disappointed at some point, but then again it will also blow your expectations out of the water the next minute. You will have great experiences followed only by failures. It will make you questions everything. Why is this my major? What do I even like to do? What am I doing? You will be lost and then by some miracle you find yourself again but only at a deeper level. You will change your mind only to make it up a hundred times more. You will think you know what you want to do for the rest of your life but then you realize that’s a really long time to be doing that, maybe I should consider this instead. So, my advice: start college with an open mind, allow yourself to explore different classes and organizations, take a class in something you never thought you would like, and you just might find what you are passionate about.
When you go to college, put your heart and sole into trying to enjoy and participate in what is going on around you. The first few months and even as long as the first whole year you may feel like you are missing out on what is happening back home. Resist the urge to drop out of school or take time off to join your friends from high school who were not able to stay in college. It may sound like they are having a great time earning money and going out every weekend, but you will realize that college has much more to offer and after graduation you will also have a degree to help you obtain the job of your dreams. It will be very difficult to pursue the type of job you are interested in without a degree.
I would tell myself that college is more difficult than high school. In high school, I could put hardly any work into studying, and still recieve an A. Things changed as I started college, as I recieved a 3.28 GPA my first semester because I did not put in enough time in my studies. I was really dissapointed because that was the lowest GPA I have ever had. I finally began to realize I have to study more to get the grades I want, so once I realized that I have had a 4.0 every semester since then. I just wish I would have realized that my first semester.