Virginia Union University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I knew that it was't organized as much. I wish I was told that that many people graduate drop from this school. Also I wish someone would of told me that was't going to be able to do track& field


I wish there was a way to go back to high school, I would sit myself down on that summer before going into college, and push myself to fill out scholarships for a couple hours out of my summer would've saved me money and constant struggles to pay tuition instead "in the moment" thinking, there is always an outcome after that moment and as I tell myself this in the past I hope to return to the future and see a positive change.


I wish I'd known that I'd have to attend chapel. I'm not religious but you're required to go to chapel a certain amount of times before you graduate.


Before i came to virginia union i wish i would have known that they would be s disorganized in their paperwork. I also wish i would have known that the cafe food wasn't so good and that they didnt have fast food on campus. I also wish i would have knwn that the yearly returning fee would go up and that afer your freshman year it gets harder to get a room on campus.


Wish someone would of told me the school was goin up on tuition, many students do not qualify for financial aid. A lot of students are struggling and are not eligible for work study


i cant answer thias because i havent really got the full exprience of the school it will be my first year.


I wish that I had known that I could have used a book voucher to attain my school textbooks rather than having to wait to receive book scholarships from the outside organizations to which I had applied. I would have had my books sooner and would not have had to play "catch-up" after the first week of school.


i wish i could have known this wasnt such a good college and that there is is poor finical aid.


I wish I would have known before I came to Virginia Union University, more detail how the school operated as a university.


The exact tuition. And the amount of deposit to put down as well as a little history of the school