If given the chance to go back in time and communicate with my high school senior self, there would be many things that I’d desire to mention about the fast approaching college life. Yet the one thing that stands at the pinnacle of importance is this piece of advice: the pursuit of knowledge has a lifetime of reward, while rote memorization yields no return. In high school, there is such ease in studying for the sole purpose of only striving to “make the grade,” however in doing so one can negate the positive benefit found in genuinely learning the information. By taking advantage of the information given, one finds that upon entering college there is a ready preparedness and an ease found in applying that information to the situations that one is placed in within the world. In activating this practice, a costly education and a diploma suddenly gain a benefit far greater than the prestige the school itself can bring; these two keys gain the benefit of a mind filled with active experience.
If I could go back into time and talk to myself when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself to apply myself in these classes. I would also tell myself that as soon as I graduated enroll into college immediately and take all the core classes first. I did not go to college right away after graduating. Once I started at a community college I did a lot of bouncing around and never completed much. After a few years when I finally found something I was interested in I went straight for those classes. Currently I am taking my core classes since I never took them in the begining. It makes it difficult becasuse a lot of things I do not remember from high school. School is difficult as is it and as an adult it is a challenge because your juggling life, family, work, and school. School is very important especially now a days.
I would tell myself to attend class more often and to surround myself with the people who are most successful in class.
Middle school is over and now it is time to take the next steps towards your future. You want to have a great future for you and your family, right? Well here’s what you got to do. First you must find your motivation and drive. Make sure you set goals for yourself and involve your family and friends in everything you do. It will get hard down the road so you will need the support and foundation from them. Second always and always plan things out. Make sure you keep a daily planner, sticky notes; write on your hand for reminders. Third, get involve in some activities. Join a club, volunteer, sports or even do some community service. Fourth and fifth, don’t be afraid to take advance courses with the support of tutoring. Challenge yourself to the fullest. You don’t want to look back and think, what if. Sixth, plan ahead and also study. Decide what you would want to do in life and what school can successfully build you to that person. Apply for scholarships and also take time out to study because it is very competitive. All in all have a great 4 years.
If i could go back as a senior in high school and talk to myself about my future, i would say "hey kid settle down, so your'e a senior, this is not the time to slack in your studies. I have gone through many hard transistions throughout my life while in school, from losing my grandparents, who helped raise me, to losing my mother when i was in the 10th grade. I had a dream and goals but, by the time I got to my senior year I thought college would be impossible for me. I guess I lost my focus. But I did graduate and it felt so good to have accompolished that, so i began to dream again. then I made a call to West Virginia Junior College and started on a course that will change my life. I went for an interview, and met the most amaing woman, who inspired me to think I CAN DO THIS! The tour of the school pumped me up and made me more determined to suceed not only for myself, but for my gandparents and my mother. I want to make them proud, and this transistion is in that direction.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself a few things. First, I'd tell myself not to waste my time and money at Durham Tech because they don't offer programs I am interested in. Second, I would tell myself about the animal care and management program at Alamance Community College , because working with animals has been my dream since I was a little kid. Third and finally, I would tell myself to get started immediately so that I could graduate college before my grandfather passes away. That way he could atleast see one of his grandchildren graduate college. This is what I would tell myself if I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior.
Be involved. I was not very involved in high school, because I focused on school and work. I did a complete turn around in college. I'm President of our all sorority council, I am on my sorority's Executive Board, I plan event for my sorority and all sororites. Also I am a Peer Mentor for First Year students. I am always a Cardinal Camp Leader for our Freshman camp. Do your school work in college, but make time for the activities on your campus, you will learn so much about yourself and the world around you. Also try to live on campus at least one semester, it teaches you great skills of responsibility.
Coming from a very challenging high school, you're never surprised when people say "Oh you come from a smart school!" and are intimidated by you. Yet, I didn't feel so smart at my "smart" school. There's so much competition and sometimes friction between you and your classmates simply because you don't feel like your as intelligent as them. As a senior, I was very discouraged because I was the average, not the above average, kid at my school and it was disheartening to see others do better than you when you're trying your absolute best. I believed that I couldn't succeed in the medical field like I wanted to because of the outlook my high school gave me. I tried and tried over again to do my best, even if I didn't see an improvement and I felt like college would be the same. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to not give up. To keep going and that I'll do great. That just because I was discouraged, doesn't mean the world is over. I can succeed in anything I put my mind to.
Take each lesson for what it, is an opportunity for personal growth. Try not hurry life, because there is a lifetime of living and each experience is what makes us unique. Believe in yourself even when others have lost all faith in your abilities. Try not to psych yourself out for you can be your own worst enemy. Everyone finishes school at their own pace, so make sure you go by the pace you set for yourself and not a pace set by others. Do what is right for you regardless of how it may look to others. Never look at events that go wrong in your life as mistakes, but as lessons. These lessons can teach you something important not only about yourself, but about the world in general. Never regret anything that happens because every experience you live defines who you are and turn out to be. Finally, learning is never over and lessons come in different forms you just have to be open to them. When in doubt take a step back and sleep on it, so you don't make a rash decision you may later regret.
If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would because the college world is way different then high school. I attended public schools my whole life, I now go to a private school, and I love it because the classroom sizes are small, I learn better in a small environment. I learned a lot when I started my college life. The environment is different because now the hallways are not as crowded as high school. Making friends at UIW is easy because you would see the same faces every day. Making the transition to college, I realized that you have to study more and take good notes. You have to have good study habits. College can be stressful because you have to learn a lot. Your grades are more important than hanging with friends and going to parties. Extracurricular, campus leadership, community service, time with friends are essential, and you need to embrace them all. I would give myself advice about study skills. I have to make sure I don't wait until the last minute to do something. Read and take good notes in order to pass the class.