University of South Carolina-Columbia Top Questions

Describe the students at University of South Carolina-Columbia.


highly intellectual and friendly


Many classmates are friendly.


Diverse, outgoing, and opinionated.


Most of the classmates I encountered were welcoming, helpful, youthful, and interested in the study.


My classmates are supportive and helpful.


They are cool.


My classmates are helpful and friendly.


Most of my classmates have been normal people like me. When I walk into a new class, it feels like I'm back in High School. Mostly everyone seems to be shy, including me. All of that changes as the semseter progresses though.


the ladies here are th sexiest in the world, i truly believe that. every girl is tan and fit and wears little tiny shorts an shirts now that its nice out. tehre are some fatties but thats ok they need love too. some people are somewhat rich theyre not pricks about it though. see some beemers around school


alot of well off kids from well off families. large minority population for a school this size. LGBT great support staff. lots of religions. flip flops, jeans t-shirts. black, white, athletes, and mixed Politically aware but not socially motivated. Mostly right-wing (conservative)