At any college there is a wide variety of students. You have music majors, greek life, other clubs, athletes, and the smart kids. However, it seems that all of these intertwine on campus here. People join multiple organizations, and socialize with all type of students.
At USC, you will find the frat stars, the sorority girls, the geeks, the nerds, the religious, the partiers, the athletes, basically you name a stereotype or 'social group' and USC has it. Even though there are a variety of students, no one group is exclusive or mean to the others. When working on a group project, I actually hung out with my group members after the project. I was the only one in Greek life, one was in her late 20s, another girl rode horses, another was into theather, yet we all were able to work well together and get along on a social, personal level.
I love that students here wear whatever they want to class. Many students show up in t-shirts or jeans, but you will not look out of place if you want to dress up a little. I personally prefer looking nice to class, but on days when I have had little sleep, I can just as easily throw on a t-shirt and shorts and head to class.
At some of the other colleges I visited, all the students dressed up every day. While that looks nice, I feel like that is a ton of pressure to look good every morning! I like that USC has no pressure to look a certain way.
My classmates are caring individuals who are willing to help with studying, homework, and are there for you when you need them.
My classmates in my courses for 2010/2011 are very friendly when it comes to making friends with them, personable when I need to ask questions, helpful in studying together and answering any questions I may have, and intelligent in a competitive manner.
Diverse, no student is the same but they are all brought together through a love of school sports, clubs and the pride that comes with being a USC Gamecock!
My classmates can be easily described as unique and competitive individuals, but as contradicting as it sounds we are all different, yet the same; at the end of the day we are all striving to become the best nurse that we can be in order to help people of all shapes, sizes, and colors, which in turn allows us to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
They're laid-back but very focused, able to have fun but are also studious, and most of them are often procrastinators.
A culturally diverse group of peers who coordinate with maximum efficiency to work hard academically and rock shit partying.
Very supportive to one-another and are higly motivated.