University of Rhode Island Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Rhode Island?


I found dealing with the admissions office at URI to be very frustrating. Several times throughout my four years at the university I had difficult interactions with the office. I had difficulties dealing with the office in reguards to tuition payments, grades being posted incorrectly, class scheduling confusion, and transcripts no being delivered in a timely fashion. Additionally, I found the representitives at the office to be rude at times and seemingly unwilling to help.


As a freshman student coming to a new school there were many new ideas and places to take in. Even threw all of the wonderful things about the campus and education of the university there are some aspects that can be frustrating. The most frustrating thing about the University of Rhode Island is the way the advising offices are set up and run. However, even with this frustration the guidance people are very well trained to help students.


The teachers are not always approachable. I find that the teachers and advising members often care more about their own reputation and trying to come off as a reputable person rather than trying to help.


there nothing really frustrating about my school, except that its far from my house and i have to drive 45 minutes to get there.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that many events are held off campus.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the fact that the campus is located on a hill and that we lack a dance program and/or major.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the location of the school. The school is built on hills, so it gets hard walking up the hills during the winter months.


All the work


The classes are great, the food is nice, and the dorms are comfortable. The only frustrating thing I have to say about my school are the hills we have to walk up and down every day. It gets a little challenging when there is ice on the concrete and I have to walk up a forty five degree angle hill.


The most frustrating thing about school is not classes or exams because I think my high school prepared me pretty well for that, but it is the food. I wish for what i pay, I could get something more delicious.