University of Northern Colorado Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best things about my school is that the classroom sizes are great. The professors enteract with the students and they are able to help each and every one of us. The other thing that I love about my school is the safety. The campus police are always around, and protecting all of us. The final thing that is the best about my school is that all the advisors encourage studetns to do their best no matter what situation we are in.


The best part about Northern Colorado is how free the campus is. There's room for doing whatever you want be it frisbee golf, pick-up football, reading, studying or just relaxing. There are always activities for you to go to that aren't forced on you. It's your choice what you want to do. Basically, you are open to do whatever you want to on campus...for the most part.


The School of Business. It has a lot of funding so all the professors are well-qualified and the curriculum is at a higher standard then the rest of the departments.


The psychology faculty


UNC is a fairly small school, which enables smaller classes, more one on one activity with teachers/tutors, and the ability to interact and meet students with similar interests.


Greeley is like a small town trapped in a big city, so everyone actually living there is super nice and helpful.


The department that I am in is small, so I get tons of attention in my area of study. The professors are also well versed in there area of experties.