My school is unique because it is a mixture of many different things. Students are bound to find one thing that they like at UNC. For example, there are big classes as well as small, and many activities that go on day to day.
It is always a positive when school is close to home, but what is really unique about UNC is its programs. There is always cool programs going on for everyone. There are so many clubs to attend and a positive attitude in all of them. I find that a smaller campus like UNC is nicer because you don't have to walk as far. I find that the staff at UNC is amazing. Every teacher that I have had has been very attentive and interesting in my passions in life. UNC is above all a great school.
The University of Northern Colorado provides some of the greatest training for acting and theatre education in the country (in relation to the price of tuition).
It is a teaching school, pute a lot of empahsess on creating good teachers
I believe that this school is unique because of the fact that it is not as big as other 4-year universities. It is big enough to where it is diverse and has many different students, yet it is easy to get to know your classmates.
Compared to the other universities that I applied to, the University of Northern Colorado had a certain something about it that I knew made it special. I noticed immediately that the people here are so welcoming and all they want you to do is succeed in everything that you try. I noticed that even though it is a state school, the class sizes were much smaller than some of the other private universities that I considered. Also, UNC has a beautiful campus. When it snows, the campus looks so magical. Overall, UNC is an awesome school.
The fact that my school is a community college makes it possible to have more involvment with the proffesors. Class sizes are usually between 20-40 students, as opposed to having auditoriums with hundreds of students at a time. Teachers will teach the class directly, instead of having an aide or a graduate student addressing the class for lectures. these aspects of a community college help a great deal with the learning process.
The teachers here at UNC are very helpful. They want you to succeed and they'll help you with whatever you need, but you have to tell them you need help. They're not mind readers after all.
Most of the classes are small. There is a lot more attention given to each student which is a better environment to learn in.
The campus is very pretty. The school is small enough to be able to walk outside and recognize people that you know; however, it is big enough that you do not know everyone on campus. I like this very much because I come from a very small town that everyone knows everyone so its a great sense of freedom without losing your identity.