High school senior Kadey; there is a lot that you need to know and need to prepare for come Fall 2011, stuff that your teachers and conselors aren't filling you in on now. While you may know how to write an essay in APA format and you may have the pythagorean theorem down pat, college is SO much more than that. One day you get dropped off in an unfamiliar place with faces you've never seen before and are expected to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life by declaring a major (one that you will most likely change -- and it's OKAY!). Just remain calm and keep the degree on the brain! It's FOUR years out of your entire life! STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL AND BOYS. Focus on being the best you can be and completing your educational journey. You will have plenty of time for all that funny business later in life. Also, go visit your family. You may be excited to leave now, but I promise you'll be even more excited to return for a weekend. As dad always says, "Stay Focused, Business First, Be a Lady Always".
I have always known I wanted to be apart of architecture and an interior design program. I knew this for years before graduating high school. If I could go back in time and mentor myself, I would suggest for myself to emerge into the field at a younger age. I would encourage myself to volunteer to get more experience under my resume for times like I'm at right now, being a college junior about to intern. I believe as you age, so does your outlook on life and your sense of creativity. I would encourage my younger self to better document my thoughts and my creations. I would encourage my younger self to emerge my time into the world and to learn, so that my future self would be more advanced. This is what I would go back and tell myself. This is what I will tell my children as they grow up in my home. Emerge yourself in your dreams and don't wait. I love what I do in college and what I am to do in the future to come in my career. I wish I started sooner.
Dear Danielle,
There are two things I've learned in life so far that may do us a lot of good in the future. The first being, never to doubt what you already know. And second, stick to your beliefs with every fiber of your being. As you are about to graduate high school, everyone will expect you to draw up a roadmap. A definite blueprint, that details your life and future goals for the next 10 years. Don't try to please everyone by trying to perfect your plan. Plan your life out for yourself, and most importantly, do what you love to do. It really is as simple as that. Your constant overthinking and uncertainty about your future only stems from trying to please others, and not yourself first.
And, P.S.
Your growing attraction to females, is not a phase.
I would tell myself to learn how to utilitze better time management and study for school more. I would also stress the importance of saving money ahead of time and not spending it on stupid things.
I would tell myself that studying in high school is good, but studying in college is necessary.
Everyone tells you that "This is the greatest time of your life! You are going to have so much fun!" but what you don't realize is that this is only partially true. They should say "go and make your own fun" instead of claiming it is just going to happen. This is a time of self empowerment and self acceptance. In the next few years you are going to grow up, be scared, be stressed, but most of all be brave. This is your time to shine. Learn everything you can, be smart when making choices, laugh everyday, and don't forget to appreciate every single second. Never stop dreaming and trying to better yourself in ways you personally want to be better. Try your hardest and most importantly make your own fun. Do what makes you happy, not what other people tell you should make you happy. College is the time to be you, whoever you choose to be. Be smart. Be fearless. Be happy.
If I were to go back in time, the conversation would go something like this:
Younger Me: Hey.
Me: Hey
YM: So...what's college like?
Me: Pretty cool. A lot of work though. Seriously.
YM: Oh. That sucks...
Me: Yes but it will be worth it. Just don't go spending all your finicial aid money on crap and make sure that you plan your classes well. Look where the buildings are or else you'll be walking every opposite direction just to get to class.
YM: Wow.
Me: Also, try to get into groups but don't force yourself to like something. If it's too much, it's too much. Stock up on food and snacks for the weekened and last but not least, enjoy your time.
YM: Ok. I'll do that. Thanks older me.
Me: No problem...Hey. Hey.
YM: What?
Me: Bonds.
And that is how our conversation would go.
I would tell myself not to wait tool long to go to college. I had to go to war to afford college and after I came home I waited about four years before deciding to go back to school. I would tell myself to go back to school as soon as I got out of the military.
If I had one chance to go back and give myself some advice in high school, it would be simply to spend more time with my teachers and advisors to get more information on how to prepare. I would ask questions, such as “Are there classes to take to help me study?” or “What can I do to help keep myself more organized?”. I would tell myself to do more research in my major, such as the job market and salary ranges. I would tell myself to ask my sister more questions about her recent college experience. I would tell myself to take more college prep courses during my senior year and work towards better grades. I would strongly suggest to myself to use those ‘college days’ more wisely and investigate the colleges and what they offer. I am certain my parents would appreciate me asking myself to work more diligently at applying for scholarships and grants. Lastly, I would definitely tell myself to save more of the money I make with my part-time job.
Don't worry so much. Take one day at a time and breathe. For so much of my life I have stressed about things that I have no control over and that I cannot change. My entire freshman and sophomore years in college I was so worried about what other people thought of me and making good grades that I forgot to have fun. I forgot to enjoy my college experience which you only get to have once. If I could give myself any advice it would be to be a little less hard on myself. Focus on your grades and study hard but don't forget to enjoy yourself a little. Go on an adventure, stay up really late once or twice and go see a movie on a Tuesday night for no reason at all. Real life starts soon enough so focus on being young and a little irresponsible.