Never let the confidence of high school make you think that college will be easy. College is the most mentally challenging aspect of any persons life. Yes it's easy to give it up but I can garuntee that as soon as you do you'll wish you never made that choice. Now for the first semester always, always, always ask the students AND the staff about a teacher before signing up. Immediately set up a pattern of study and don't spend all your free time with your friends unless your work is done.
The advice i would give myself would be to study harder, so that I would not have to take so many low level classes. I would also tell myself to look into more ways to pay for school. Finally I would tell myself to get better grades to make it easier to pay for school.
I would tell myself to take the opportunity to take risks and not be afraid. I would continue to say:
I know you are trying to decide whether or not you should stay in New Mexico. Decide to go somewhere else. Friends and family are here in New Mexico, but going to some place completely new will force you to form new friendships that will very possibly be more valuable than keeping old high school friends. It is also important to remember to try have fun with your time in college, whether it is through taking fun classes or going out with friends on the weekend. If you decide to stay in Albuquerque anyway, then be sure you remember in the back of your mind to have fun no matter what or who comes your way. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from being who you are or letting them get you down. You are given the opportuniy to have the time of your life in college: take it!
That in order to graduate in four years one must take the max amount of credit hours,18, and not fail anything. Also, C- is considered failing at UNM. Many students straight out of college don't know these things and they are important.
If I could return to my senior year and give advice to my younger self I would teach myself how to properly manage time and retain information. Rather than cramming last minute for a test in which I would later forget everything I would show myself how to work hard to be a better student.
I would tell myself to study hard. That the only thing that matters in high school is you're grades and the academic experience, not boys and magazines. I would tell myself to prepare harder, because once you get out of high school, the fun and games stops. I would tell myself to save every penny I earned so that I could go to the out of state college that I dreamed of. I would tell myself to not take family for granted, to love and respect your parents. I would tell myself that nothing is impossible, even if everyone else says it is. I would tell myself to go for everything I always wanted, make my dreams come true, and not be afraid. But most of all, I would tell myself that life is life, and I can't control what happens. To always count my blessings and be glad that I have food in my belly, and a roof over my head. That even if I don't get what I want, that what I'll end up with will be just as great, if not better.
Pulling out Excalibur
As a senior in High School, I didn’t have the energy to go to college, as I was not yet diagnosed with Narcolepsy. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, later to be diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder. I can see myself then, sleeping in class due to medical reasons beyond my control. I was called lazy and unmotivated by friends and family. I told myself then that anything is possible, such as going to a University, a dream of mine, vivid in its manifestation. Having Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks were a natural occurrence for me. My advice to myself as a seventeen year old would be to not to give up, to find out what caused this unexplainable fatigue, to realize my full potential academically, to pull the sword from the stone. I pulled the sword from the stone, Excalibur in hand, the sword of knowledge and academia one year ago. You choose when to ignite your inner firework and light up the sky with the brilliance of who you are. You choose when to pull out Excalibur; the only tool you need is your own desire to discover your inner fire.
I would tell myself not to get discouraged and to keep my head up, life is full of ups and downs. Always follow your dreams regardless of what other people say or do. Thirst for knowledge and never stop educating yourself. Believe in yourself even when it seems like no one else will. Life is about taking risks and being happy.
The biggest piece of advice i would give myself is to set high standards for yourself and work hard to meet those standards. Be open to meeting new people and make new friends, you feel less homesick when you have friends. Do all assignments and do not be scared to ask your professors questions. Use all the rosources available to you, it will make the transition easier than having to figure out everything on your own. Get involved with the university in someway, it will help you meet new people with the same interest as you.
Make sure that you make friends right away, it becomes harder and harder the further in you get. Also try to get over high school, it's over and you can't go back. Keep some friends but don't hang on too hard to them, allow yourself to go somewhere new and meet new people.