University of New Mexico-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of New Mexico-Main Campus know before they start?


Parents play an important role in finding the right college. Parents must stay engaged and they must provide a helping hand with their child's decision. Applying and registering for college can be a difficult experience for many and too often young adults make wrong decisions because it may seem like the easiest decision at the time. Students must also do the research. They should find people that go there, do college visits and look up information. Most schools will have information is readily available! The key is not going in blind. Once you've enrolled in a college, it is time to make the most of your college experience. Your first semester, try to take a somewhat easier load (less than 18 but more than 12 hours). As for social life, get actively involved on campus with organizations and talk to new people! The first week of school, organizations will recruit new students. It's your time to get involved to make college fun! Organizations will help you out and just remember, everyone is in the same shoes as you are! So you do not have anything to worry about! You have the bridge, let the games begin!!


I will let you in on a little secret. Only a fraction of the knowledge you will obtain in college will be from a textbook. With that out in the open use it when selecting your school. You may be asking, "What will I be learning if the majority of my education will be away from class?" You will be learning about yourself. You will likely switch majors way too many times, make friends, lose friends, get hired, get fired, be broke, and make more mistakes than you'll want to admit. You will fall from your nest and just hope that you'll learn to fly before you hit the ground. So what school should you pick? Look for schools that value individualism. They should foster growth socially, intellectually, and spiritually. Visit several schools during the semester to see the campus while it's alive. Realize your potential to change. Even if you think you're destined to be a lawyer don't just look for the college with the best law school because you may miss out on your true passion. When you find a school that makes you feel good, go for it and forget the statistics.


college is the time where you are going to make dumb mistakes . The only Mistake you can avoide is where you want to go. Sit down and look at what this school has for you. Not only the school but whats around the school. The town and people help make the school. This is where you get to pick what school you want. That school should mold you into what you want to be. So take time and look at everything just dont pick the school thats close to home, big party school , and ect.


The best advice I can give is research where you want to go! You must have all the facts you can find in order to make an informed decision about the college you would like to attend. Ask questions and learn as much as you can. Also visit the campus! It would be nice to see the place you want to spend your next four years, or however long it may be. Also, students, live on campus your first year! It is a great way to get to know new faces and make friends for life. Also you will not have to worry about the morning commute since you will already be on campus! Parents take a trip to see you child at their campus. It will be nice to have some faces form home if they decided to go to school in another state or city!


My advise to parents and students on finding the right college is to educate themselves on as many institutions as possible. I believe that if they do this, they have a much higher chance of finding a place that fits their needs. I also advise students to make the most of their college experience by finding a group on campus or in the area that shares their views. This will motivate them to perform better in the classroom and also outside of the classroom. What parents need to know about how to make the most of their child's college experience is to not be controlling but to be there for help if needed. They need to remember that college is for their child not for them. They already had that chance and its time to let their kids have theirs.