The student body is great. There are many different people who all mesh together well. Its great to meet people you get along with so well, after only meeting them here in college. Most students are from MA,NH,ME. Then there are some from other further states.
most students are either from MA or NH
mostly white, but there are a variety of races on campus obviously not as much as if we were in a school in a city
We are very sheltered here because i feel that there is not a lot of diversity on the UNH campus. I usually only wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt to class because i don't really feel the need to impress anyone. MOst people either wear that or jeans and a casual top. Typically i don't see many people dress up that much for class. I always meet new people in my classes and it's fun to get to know them outside of class or when you work on a project together. I wouldn't say there is really a separation of lunch tables. Its not really like highschool because you meet such a variety of people and everyone basically gets along. If i had to i guess i would say the greek life have one table, athletes have another, honors students with another and then the rest is a random assortment. Most of the UNH students i have found are from the New England area and have a semi decent amount of money.
UNH has a variety of students and I think anyone could fit in here. The school is so big that I would find it hard to believe if you could not find a group to belong to. Most students are very laid back, wearing casual, comfy clothes to class. Although the lifestyle is pretty carefree, students do take their work very seriously.
mostly affluent and from the northeast
I think every where you look you will find a student of a different race, someone who dresses differently, but put together most of the students here are equal. Most people where jeans and a tshirt to class. No one really gets dressed up. I dont think any certain type of student feels out of place here on campus because it is so excepting of everyone. Students usually talk about their future and what hope will come out of their life once they leave unh.
I think that for the most part UNH is a very accepting campus of students. People generally wear casual clothes to class, sometimes even bed time clothes.
There is no student that would feel out of place at UNH. Students going to class can range from wearing jeans and a nice sweater/tee to sweatpants and a hoodie. Different students interact all around campus. The four tables at a dining hall would be a table full of jocks, a table full of pretty girls, a table full of regular boys and girls, and a table full of greeks. Most students from UNH are from New Hampshire. Students are politically aware and definitely active. There is a usually a solid split between democrats and republicans, but I think there are more democrats around UNH.
This school does not have as many ethnicities as I am used to at home. Students wear comfortable cloths such as jeans to cloths. Most students are from Mass or NH.
I think that the student body of UNH is not very diverse. There is a majority of students of same racial stature. And people do not seem to keen on hanging out with other races than their own.