University of Nebraska-Lincoln Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Nebraska-Lincoln?


I think most of the stereotypes are heavily focused on the Greek system and the athletes. Mainly that they all party and that they are not intelligent.


We only care about football, classes are big


Men are pigs and women are better in every way shape and form. Every UNL English teacher is sexist, I think it is a requirement for a female to be a professor or TA there. You will take Chicano Literature or African American Literature or so many other literature classes that turn into FEMINISM literature classes about women's rights. Other stereotypes are that being Roman Catholic is worst than being a Natzi. But the worst one of all, we are in college!!! Not high school, College!!! We are paying for it so their should be ABSOLUTELY NO ATTENDENCE POLICY!!! THAT IS FUCKING RETARDED AND THERE IS in the English department. A big stereotype about UNL students that you don't have to go to class, yes you do, and it's really really cool......


Not enough one to one time with teachers.


A stereotype of UNL and its students are that we're football college.


Some people think that UNL is a party school - but compared to real party schools like University of Arizona or Arizona State University, maybe one out in California and a few others that I'm sure are out there, UNL is pretty tame. I think the big thing at UNL is athletics and that can really lead to misconceptions about the greater student population.


Midwestern hicks, football fanatics


-we're all from the country, eat too much corn, are hicks


Many people outside of UNL think it is way too big and that students will just get lost here. Being from a small town, I heard plenty of that after I made the decision to come here.


There are two major stereotypes that I've heard as being associated with our student population. First off, rumor has it UNL students are crazy Husker fans. Secondly, people tend to think that UNL students (as well as most Nebraskans) are hillbillies who grew up in cornfields and don't know the wonders of indoor plumbing.