University of Nebraska-Lincoln Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Nebraska-Lincoln?


Big university = big party school Life revolves around Husker football.


The Greek system is for spolied kids that pay for their friends!


A lot of farm boys and girls from small towns, everyone is a huge Husker fan, we hang out in cornfields


Everybody loves Husker Football. The students weren't smart enough to get into schools on the coasts. Lincoln is a farming community and all the students are in agriculture studies.


The two most common stereotypes are that UNL is a party school and that it's student body are football nuts.


The big one that I think of is that in order to "be" someone you have to be in a fraternity or sorority.


red necks, boring, very nice, conservative


The main stereotype i hear is that we're all cornfed hillbillys. I think we're also known for our Nebraska football tradition.


I can only derive from some sports articles that UNL is only concerned with Football and that the University is full of right-wing rednecks.


One stereotype of UNL that I heard about before I came here is that it is not a very diverse campus of students in regards to ethnicity.