Do your research. Plan and make several college visits, but also know that you can always transfer to a different school later. Give your school a chance, though, before you decide that you don't like it. Consider going to school in-state for at least the first two years, it will save you soo much money! Be open-minded and don't just go where you think is the most popular or go somewhere just because your peers are "all" going there. College is an opportunity to meet new people!
The first piece of advice that I would give would be to find a campus you feel comfortable on. Somewhere that is diverse enough that you can truely learn from others and find some lifelong friends. Secondly, make sure this school has a great educational background and a good program for your major. GET INVOLVED ON CAMPUS!! That is such an important aspect of college life. You will get out of college what you put into it!
While money does play a part in deciding where to go to college, don't let it dominate your decision. Sometimes, paying more means getting a better education and getting a great college experience. You don't want to look back thinking "what if"
Don't sell yourself short because of financing. Settling for something local and cheap is akin to selling your ambitions off for a few extra dollars. Climb the moon and reach for the stars!
Choose wisely a college that will help you grow in the area you are gifted. Colleges that equip students to not just learn materials but to also carry themselves in this world are the way to go. Study hard and take college seriously. It will make or break your future.
Get invovled. Don't be afraid to get to know people different from you, you may have a lot more in common than you think.
To find the right college it's important to go on a visit to see what the college is like. During the school year is the best time because it allows for a potential student to get a better feel for the college environment at that campus. To get the most out of college all that is really needed is to put forth an honest effort and to do your best. It's also important to choose a major that you will enjoy studying and learning. It will improve your grades and give you a better outlook on your future. College is a time to experiment with some new found independence also so there is nothing wrong with taking part in some activities that you wouldn't normally do. The experience will ultimately make you a better person.
Find a school that's really interested in YOU. The school that asks what you need rather than pursuing what they need from you is the school you need to gravitate towards. The people are what matter, not the facilities or the location, but the people in it.
In finding the right college, I would suggest to know what extra curricular activities would be interesting outside of the classroom. Friendships will form in the classroom, but having another activity or sport to be involved in, especially if it is through the school, gives a sense of school spirit and pride. This will make the college experience more enjoyable and memorable for the future. Having school spirit also is important because every student should be proud to be a part of their school and where they are receiving their education from.