College is what you make it. At most colleges you can get a good education. Your state college is not going to give you any worse of an education then a college in an exotic location. Start early and take your time while looking for the right college for you.
When looking for the right college make sure you are going somewhere where you think you will fit in. Don't focus on just going out-of-state.
My advice for making the most out of your college experience is to get involved right away so you can make friends, find study partners, etc right away. Also, make sure you stay ontop of school work and studying because once you get behind it is very hard to catch back up. Also, use your resources if you are struggling, it realliy helps!
Make sure you ask questions. Being informed about all the processes, applications, tests, and classes required to move through your education to receive a degree will prepare you and keep you on the right track. Get involved in some sort of activity, whether it be athletic, artistic, religious, etc. This is the best way to meet people that you may have something in common with. Living in campus housing at least the 1st year helps you meet new people too.
Depends on what your are looking for there is alot of things you can be active in but you have to go do it same with meeting people but there are 15,000 students so chances are your going to meet alot of people and have a fun time and there is alway something being remodeled or something new being built so its nice to have all these new facilities
To make the most out of your college experience a student should minimize the amount of time spent on working to make money and maximize the amount of time one can stay on campus and be involved in extracurricular activities. It will help one to take full advantage of opportunities that will look good on a resume, take more classes so that they can graduate on time, and give the time to have a true college experience. It will also promote good study habits and limit the amount of distractions and problems with time management.
Cost of tuition is very important. Finding a good college that will provide for small loans will help significantly after college.
let the student spend a few days on campus with another students who lives in the dorm
Make sure that sending your child to a school isn't all about the school being "prestigious" or ivy league because with experiencing a state school compared with some of my friends who attend private schools, I feel I have the same quality of education and attention from professors. Some private college's are priced so high and you can get just about the same education as colleges that are not ranked as high. With that said, parents shouldn't send their child just anywhere, but definitely research what they want in the school they are sending their child to. Overall, make sure that the school will be somewhat entertaining for their child, because as much as parents want their child to just focus strictly on school, students will want more out of their college experience than just academics. If that isn't met sometimes the student will have a worse time then if there were things to do that were fun but also approriate too.
Look at many different schools. Don't be afraid to look out of state.
It is best to only receive an education you know you can pay for at the time. Do not bank of making money after school. It is much more expensive after school because you are in a starter job with thousands in student loans.