University of Mount Olive Top Questions

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My school is a christian-based school. I like that the classes are very managable and the teachers are able to have a personal one-on-one relationship with all of their students. I also like the fact that there are programs available to help you in any way you might need it as far as tutoring.


MOC was founded by the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists, which makes it unique by a long shot! Compared to other religiously-affiliated schools, Mount Olive focuses on your spiritual health. By making sure that each student is spiritually healthy, even though they may not be an Original Free Will Baptist, students are more eager to learn, take part in campus activites, and get to know one another. Mount Olive College is small, with about 700 traditional students, and everyone knows each other. We have students from all over the world, and love to learn about them.


Mount Olive College is a small school where it is possible to form close relationships with other students as well as professors. At many of the other colleges I considered it is likely that I would have been a number; however at Mount Olive all of my professors know me. This makes me feel more comfortable talking with them about questions I have about class which I believe will allow me to be a better student.


There are only three colleges in my state offering my major, Agriculture Education. The other two are huge schools with huge populations! Here at MOC, students are like family! We all get along (most of the time) and all have a ton of fun together. I find that it's unique for an entire school to support one another; most student's at other universities don't even know that they are alive!


The atmosphere and community of this college campus is very homely. The teachers and students are all very nice and welcoming.


The class size really got my attention. The class size is small, that way the students and teachers can form a close relationship. I like how everyone on campus is kind and welcoming. I never felt like a stranger, even the first week I was there. All the students and faculty are extremely invovled in the athletics. The college is also big on giving back to the community, which is wonderful. At a local festival I spoke with a resident of Mt. Olive, he liked that the school gives back to the community and that the alumni are deeply invovled.


Mount Olive College offers a one on one experience that allows for students to work with teachers. At Mount Olive you are a real person and you do not have to worry about just becoming a number. The campus is small and you can easily walk from one side to the other in a matter minuets. The College is Freewill Baptist and thus has strict rules against drinking.