University of Mobile Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Mobile know before they start?


There are many things I would tell myself. The most important thing I would tell myself is to take my classes serious. If I don't take the first classes seriously and pass with a B or A then I will end up having to retake the classes. I need to make it easier on myself and just pass the classes so that I can get to my career choice faster and not make it harder. I would also tell myself to not focus on trying to make friends but to focus on my school work because that is going to get me to where I want to be in the future. Studying is another thing that my high school senior self needs to really focus on because classes that she will be taking do not come easy and that she has to work for the grades she wants. Those three things will help me so much now and make my life so much easier and I would have been done with school by now instead of having to retake classes.


The advice I would give to myself would be to come into college with an open mind. Keeping an open mind is valuable in college because you will experience things completely out of your comfort zone. You will never experience real college life if you close your mind out to certain things. You may get embarassed but that is the fun of it. Coming to college thinking I am going to miss home and I am not going to make any friends in common. Do not go home first semester of college no matter how much you miss it. You will come to recognize your college as your home. Your experiences as a freshman will shape your whole college experience. Come to college with an open mind and do not be afraid of being yourself. You will find life long friends and never regret the choices you made. Focus on school work but make sure you give yourself time to truly experience what college life is all about.


Save as much money as possible and take advantage of the the time you have to work on scholarships. Time flies by and before you know it, college is over and you are working to pay off school loans. If I had worked on scholarships sooner in high school, I may not have to have loans to pay off. I would remind myself that mom and dad are not going to help you pay for your school, they view me as an adult, therefore I need to pay for things as an adult would. Students that don't have to worry about school tuition tend to enjoy college a bit more, but those that worry month by month if they will have enough money to stay spend all their time worrying and don't have as good of an experience. I'd ask myself, "Do you want to be involved and enjoy yourself or working and going to school full-time in order to stay missing out on the college friendship opportunities?" Take advantage of the time you have to prepare for school, so it will be well worth it in the end.


High school and college differ enormously. I certainly was unaware of this at the time of my graduation from high school. Then again, eighteen is not exactly known for being the age of 'knowledge and wisdom.' Personally, I believe that I was prepared to the best of my ability for the notorious campus life. My single parent (mother) attempted her best with the mental groundwork and my alma mater was left responsible for any and all academic preparaion. However I wish that I had readied myself financially for college life. With my mother and my grandmother as my only intermediate family, and me being fresh out of high school, I was not exactly the multi-millionare Bill Gates descendant. I thrived on high school extracurriculars and club participation to accent my prominent grades in order to gather as many scholarships as possible, however it seems that student loans are still the "name of the game." Which leads me to the unfortunate situation where I currently reside. Few scholarships turn over into each new year, and I am left at a standstill as to whether or not I will be able to attend college due to my financial situaion.


If I had the chance to be a high school senior there is a lot of thing I would have done differently when it came to choosing a college. First I would not have been a student athelete. It took a lot out of me and my coaches was not very supportive when it came to keep my grades up. They didn't want my teammates and I to have a social life. Second, I would have left a lot of things at home and organized what I was going to bring better. Dorm rooms are usually small and won't fit all your things. Third and last I would have looked into joining a lot of different organizations. Because I was a student athelete I was not able to do this. I have learned that networking is very important in college because the more source you have the better. These sources can help you find a job easily after you graduate from college. Overall, my college experience has been nothin


Looking in hindsight, I would advize myself to work as hard as I possibly could to prepare for college financially. I have no problem focusing on my current studies and making remarkable grades, but within the busyness of high school and the level of maturity as a high school student, I did not find it very important to focus on scholarship searching. High school graduation comes fast and there is no time to waste. I am regretting my decisions in high school because now I don't know if I will be able to continue my studies at the University of Mobile. I am having to spend my spring break searching for money to continue going to school rather than spending time with friends at the beach. I had my fun in high school and now I lose my free time during college. If I focused on this sooner in life, my college life would be less stressful. Make sure your priorites are straight because it will come and bite you later on in life.


Going away to college is a big life change. Be serious about your education by learning to manage your time and set priotities. Its great to have fun and do things with new friends, but school work needs to come first. Learning and accepting this before moving away to college will help you in this transition.


Graduating from college gave me a feeling of satisfaction and self worth. I had post-poned completing my bachelor degree for a few years, yet I always felt like there was something left undone. That is how I feel now concerning my master's degree. I have wanted to return to school, but always put it off because of financial obligations elsewhere. I believe returning to school and completing this goal will give me a better opportunity in the workplace and make myself proud. I have two children that I speak to about college and think that by returning to achieve my master's degree will set a good example for them. I want to make them proud! I believe a college education is crutial in today's workplace. I look forward to working on my master's degree and meeting the students working to achieve the same thing.


I have gotten out of my college experience no matter how hard life gets and obstacles that make me stumble its never to late to go to school and get my degree in nursing. I feel very honored to attend a christian university,with open and honest opionions who believe in freedom of speech. This has been the best school i have ever attended,the professor are always available when you need them,and we have excellent career service programs as well as mentoring programs also.


Don't be so afraid of being yourself. Don't get so wrapped up in guys. Its time to grow up. You are an adult and you are beautiful how you are. This is not high school anymore. You are growing up and making life-changing decisions. Be you, express your individuality. Let go of the past and start a new beginning.