University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor accurate?




Except the girls being ugly, yes.


There is definitely an intimidating number of smart, collected, with-it people here. (I am not one of them.)


In reality, U of M students are just really excited to be at school and love Ann Arbor! U of M students are definately proud to sport Maize and Blue, but are actually very chill-- as the saying goes, "We work hard and play hard."


The "I'm a rich suburban kid whose never known anything but comfort and I feel badly for the people I see most often portrayed as poor so let's give all black students a free ride" attitude to TOTALLY correct. When a white kid or asian kid comes into the University w/ no money, no family support and no experience in a hard-core education environment they are SOL.


Though some students are spoiled, most are not exceptionally bratty. This reputation probably comes from the fact that out-of-state tuition is obscenely expensive. Most Michigan students are pretty self-confident, and work hard. However, they do know how to have a good time. There's a good balance between partying and working. Neither extreme overwhelmingly dominates campus, but most students study a lot more than they go out. Students are ambitious, and work hard.


Most likely, but that's OK.


It is true that Michigan students have an amazing amount of pride and school spirit, but that does not translate in being conceited.


1) There's definitely a share of people who hole up in the library on Saturday nights. But most of the people I know balance studying with hanging out, going to parties, etc. 2) Because UM is expensive (especially out of state) students here tend to be from an upper/upper-middle class background. However, I've met very few people who think they're owed something bc of their families wealth. I have met people who have become lazy bc of the easy life they have had, but they're still good people. 3) Unfortunately, this is probably the truest of all the stereotypes. I've been to four other Big Ten schools (Wisconsin, MSU, Penn State and Illinois) and UM has by far the least attractive girls of any of them. However, the attractiveness level goes up in places like bars and frat houses, where I've never found a shortage of cute girls. Walking to class, though, can be ugly at times.