University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor accurate?


Some people are rich and very smart and some people aren't very attractive but this is not true of all Michigan students, so NO.


Some of them are accurate


Mostly, but not all people that go to Michigan are rich and from Long Island.


for the most part


No. While there are many sports fans, not all students are into the football/sport craze. Additionally, I think Michigan is a great and fun school with a large social scene.


People are not as smart and hard working as I thought


I'd definitely say that Michigan students are smarter than students at a lot of other schools, especially rivals Michigan State and Ohio State. Otherwise, I tend to disagree--judge people individually and you'll go much farther in the long run.


For certain people yes, but there will be people like that everywhere you go


These stereotypes are definitely not accurate. Students at Michigan definitely know how to party, they just know how to balance school and partying in order to succeed.


Sometimes. There are rich people here. But there are also lots of people who come from middle and lower class backgrounds. And yes, some people are snobs. Some people do think they are better because they go to Michigan.