University of Memphis Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Memphis?


Programs that have little to no interest


I don't really think I find anything about the University of Memphis frustrating so far. My professors have been pretty knowledgeable and understanding and I feel like I'm getting experiences that will help me succeed after college.


Automated phone systems


The most frustrating about being at the University of Memphis is absolutely nothing. A student has to keep mind the primary reason for why they are in college, and do exactly what they need to do in order to graduate. There is lot independency. So a student should be ahead of the game when it comes to his or her academics and financial aid, because the academic counselors will not always be on point with their information.


As staying on campus, joining groups was frustrating. Getting involved in school is an on going situation. College is the place I go when I want to learn from some of the worlds brightest. Before college, I didn’t want to go because I wanted to go to the Air Force instead; people motivated me to go to school because they know I’m very talented and smart with whatever I do. Making my goals measurable helps me see my progress, recognize if I’m moving in the right direction, and see how far I still need to go.




Prices are so high.


University of Memphis has many great things to offer. As far as the actual school goes I can not think of one thing that I would change. The university is nice and comfortable. It does not make you look at the clock every two minutes waiting for class to be over, because class is actually fun. I would recommend my school to every one. I think it has so much to offer everyone.


I would say that most frustrating thing about The University of Memphis is that the buildings are so far apart that you sometimes have to run to your class.


The most frustrating thing about my school is my money situation. I have taken subsidized and unsubsidized loans and received pell grant. With a greater amount of financial aid or scholarships I can live on campus and save on gas as well as handle loans.