University of Massachusetts-Amherst Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Massachusetts-Amherst.


There is a lot of diversity at UMass so there is a place for every type of person. People who are very conservative might find themselves out of place since things like homosexuality and mixed-race relationships are widely accepted.


We are an extremely diverse campus, everyone is so different from everyone else, and we all come from different backgrounds, but that is what brings us together.

Billy Pilgrim

The student body is primarily from New England but otherwise is very diverse and, in one of the benefits of a large university, there are many groups for everyone to enjoy. Overall the student body is very far on the left. Only a small group are truly aware of the reasons, and the majority hop in on the trend.


I don't really have experience with racial, religious, LGBT, socio economic groups on campus, mainly because I don't want to. I shy student would feel out of place at UMASS. Most students wear what ever they want to class. Yes, different types of students interact. 4 tables may include, usually will almost always include friends, I don't look at them as different groups. Most UMASS students are from Massachusetts and New Jersey. Most students are middle class, but UMASS does offer a great financial department to its students. Students are very politically active. Im not sure where they reside. Students talk about future aspirations.


A great number of engineering students are minorities. I barely notice the difference though. There is nothing but equality in this college and I love it. All students feel comfortable with each other, in my opinion. Most wear jeans or sweats to class (depending on the day of the week). I think most students are from MA, but ...there are many many students who aren't. The difference in numbers of in state and out of state is very small, I think. I've no sense of financial backgrounds. No one talks about it and you can't notice anything that would distinguish someone either way. Most engineering students are politically apathetic. We'd rather stick to our science. This election seems to be an exception though with the democrats. Everyone's Obama.


The student body I think is very mixed at UMass. On one side you have students who really want to get a good education and put school first. Then on the other side you have all the jocks and preps who just want to cruise through school and try their best to have UMass live up to it's "zoo" stereotype. But at such a big school, it's really easy to fit in and find a group of friends that fits you and your personality. And the school has many different RSO's and student groups to join that it's near impossible not to find friends at this giant school.


Many different groups on campus hold events or rallies that I will attend, but I don't necessarily participate in any of the groups themselves. There are a LOT of different groups so there's basically something for everyone. Most students at UMass Amherst are White middle class Christians, so anyone outside of that group would feel out of place. There definitely needs to be more diversity at the university. Most students where comfortable clothes to class - usually either sweatpants or pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt. It is very rare to see someone dressed up on campus unless it's career day. Different types of students don't generally interact. Everyone mostly lives and hangs out with people from their own racial or religious group, which results in certain groups being in specific living areas on campus. Students at Umass Amherst that are politically active are predominantly left. Our daily newspaper tries to give both sides as much as possible, but it is still very evident that it is written and produced by liberal Democrats.


pi kappa phi sucks. dont let them brainwash you. no students are out of place. 4 tables in the dining hall- art kids, band kids, meatheads, orange girls. A lot of the kids ive met are either filthy rich or dirt poor. yes to politcally aware, predominantly left, and yes all the time. money in the future tense is an important subject to everyone who attends any college.


Everyone is segregated, the black kids sit with black kids, white kids with white kids and so on. There is racism and violence everywhere around campus. Some kids are rich and some kids are poor and you can tell. This school is filled with angry liberals who try to change the world one stupid social issue at a time....they never accomplish anything. tough luck