The worst thing about the University of Georgia is that UGA has a high population of people that grew up in families that make above the average income for normal families. Most are used to having their parents pay for everything they want and when they get into a major school they take this outlook and apply it to real life. These people expect things to be handed to them and because I'm from a low income family, most look down apon me for having to work two jobs to pay for my schooling.
Since i have a science based major, the majority of the beginning classes such as principles of biology and general chemistry were "weeding out" courses. The science professors at my college say they do not make the classes difficult to weed people out but i feel differently. I understand they need to make classes hard because everyone cannot be a doctor but they should come up with another way without hurting students GPA!
To me, the worst thing about The University of Georgia can be described in one word, expensive. Even with the HOPE scholarship and student loans, it is a struggle for me and my family to come up with the money to pay for additional fees, books, and living expenses. This is why I am applying for scholarships now, in hopes to be able to pay for things now without putting financial strain on my parents, and to minimize my debt after college.
At times, the size of classes can interfere with access to the professors and make it very difficult to know them on a first name basis.
There are not enough financial assistance opportunities for students such as myself. Most scholorships are for atheletes, internation, african american, or latino students.
Large class sizes, because students do not have regular access to their professors.
I often feel like the arts/humanities are not given enough attention while athletics are prioritized.
The worst thing about UGA is figuring out what you want to be apart of. UGA is so big and diverse that there is something for everyone to be part of. There are clubs, activities, sports, jobs, Greek life, and more that all have every subject that you could dream of being involved in. Having so many choices with so many things to do makes it difficult to choose what direction you want go in. It goes the same for classes. It takes me hours to find what classes I want to take because there are so many choices.
The worst thing about the school is the hypocrisy between its purported values and its lack of enforcement of those values. Also, there's a large beauracracy of red tape to go through.
I feel that there is not very much to do on a Friday or Saturday night other than go down-town.