University of Detroit Mercy Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Detroit Mercy know before they start?


I set out to attend this school because of the Dental Hygiene Program. It is a very competitive program and along with the program you can earn a Bachelors of Sciece with your certification which will allow me to apply to dental school in the future.


I would of pushed myself in to taking more challenging classes. Other than that I was very active with my class and had alot of fun my senior year. It was one year I will remember


I would tell my self to learn better sudy habits, and break things down for understanding and use more time managment.


If I could go back to the time when I was a high school senior, I would recommend to myself to concentrate harder on my classes, so that the material retained will be transferred to the University without effort. Most seniors believe that the last year is the easy part of the education, when the belief could not be further from the truth. I would have told myself that the last year is the most important year of your life. It detyermines the school of choice you will attend and how hard you will have to work to pay the tuition without scholarships. Choosing to study hard and complete high school with much effort enable endless possibilities in your life.


Learn how to organize your time. Learn how to take time out to study and meet as many different people as you can. Make sure you make college a growing and learning experience inside and outside the classroom.


The first thing I would tell myself is to BE YOURSELF!! My freshman year, I almost lost my identity and forgot who I really was. I would remind high school Ben that it is important to not only gain knowledge and engage in extra-curricular activities, but to also remain true to yourself and discover who you really are during the scary years of growing up. Another thing I would tell myself is to not get lazy, even when it seems that the workload is easy. I fell off mid-semester of my sophomore year, and it's hard to get back up. I would tell myself not to get TOO involved in school and forget your family and friends. Sometimes you have to remember who you are and where you came from. My friends and family are my backbone and helpes me to get where I am today. And the final thing would be is to say don't get TOO involved in extra-curriculars and fall back on the studies... that's why I'm in college right?


Do not stress over the choice you made. If you remain focused and NOT worry about not being smart enough, you will be a thousand times better off (socially and academically).


If I were able to go back and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would say, that life is full of choices and its not only with the choice that you make but its also how you go about being successful with the choice that you made. Everything that you will do from here on out will effect your future, never take anything for granted because, you never know when you may not have that chance to be able to get back to where you want to be.


Picking a college is one of the most important decisions of your life, Jessica. This decision is going to impact the type of people you network with, the quality of learning you?re going to receive, and how professional schools view you. The college you go to should be the best you are able to get into in regards to the field you want to study. But this college should also offer extracurricular activities and ways to have fun between the extensive workload you?re about to encounter. College is a time to learn and prepare for the future, but it?s also where you?re going to have the best times of your life with friends you never knew you could have. You?re going to be living in a building of your best friends and those times can never be replaced. So, my younger form of self, take more time to consider where you want to go and disregard what your parents say. You have to go where it?s the right place for you, not what Mom and Dad picked. This is going to be the most awesome thing you ever do for yourself; therefore, choose wisely.


Make your self proud! Study, Study, Study, it dose pay off.