I would tell myself to stay away from certain Chat rooms and to study harder
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise that it is okay to go to college and follow my dreams. I thought that by going to college I had to do what was expected of me from my family. I didn't consider that I could use college as a means discovering my true interests and talents. I would explain that picking a major doesn't mean I am committed to that field for life, that it is okay to explore a field associated to a major and then change majors if I change my interests. I would also tell myself that it is expected that I take a variety of classes outside of my major so there are many opportunities to discover what my true interests and talents are. Finally, I would explain that graduating with a degree in a particular major doesn't condem me to being stuck working in one field my whole life. The skills that are learned during the process of graduating from college are applicable in most careers. College is an opportunity for self-exploration, not an anchor.
Stay off certain sites and chat rooms on the internet
Using your time wisely is the key to success. Form relationships with your professors, spend time getting to know other students in your classes and always read the chapters BEFORE attending lecture!
If I could do it over again, I would take my time. I managed to cram four years of college into three and a half and will graduate early without a goal in mind yet. At 18, making a career decision is NOT the most important thing on the To Do list. It's forming friendships and learning about yourself that matter the most. Instead of spending most of your time sitting in class, volunteer in the community, take classes that interest you. But in the back of your mind, always make sure what you are doing is a means to an end. Don't become a professional student but take the time that you need to accomplish the general goal of graduating with a degree in something that you will be proud to talk about at your high school reunion.
You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. College will end some day so make the most out of it.
That college is not as hard as people make it out to be it is just like high school always a challenge for improvement. I think that you should not have started going to college and then giving up on yourself so easy because even if or when you have children they should not stand in your way. You should always remember that your chidren should be there to push you forward because you should be satting examples for them and you would not want them to give up on school so don't you do so either.
I would tell myself that I need to be true to myself and stick to my beliefs. I would advise me to follow my heart and stick to my goals because that is what makes a strong person.
I would recommend that students begin their college search in the ninth grade. They should start to think about their interests, their strengths, future career options, and schools that are strong in these areas. When it is time to apply for school, I think students should apply to some "safe" schools that they are pretty confident will accept them, but also shoot for the stars and try one or two schools that would stretch them academically.
I was accepted into the music school at the University of Denver for freshman year, but my parents were doubtful that we could afford a private school. I attended the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs and enjoyed my theatre/drama classes, but took no music classes. For my sophomore year, my parents and I decided, as a family, to trust in my vocal music ability and go for it! It's a little scary, but I am excited at the chance to immerse myself in music and see what develops.
Look early into scholarship oppurtunities and ask for help from everyone you can.
I would say to explore all your options. Make a list of all that you are looking for in your college experience and compare all prospective schools against that list. Don't feel pressured to pick one right but realize that in order to avoid the pressure you need to start the process early.
Don't sell yourself short. If you can make it into a good university then you should jump at the opportunity. College is the best time of your life, so might as well make it happen at the best possible place.