University of Central Florida Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Central Florida?


The most frustrating thing about this school is that it is too big. One can feel very lonely and unconnected in this school


The most frustrating apect about UCF is that since there are over 50,000 students in attendance, there is very limited housing on campus.


As a student at an esteemed higher learning institution, I feel that it is exteremely discouraging the lack of funding that goes towards the arts and humanities. These programs are the basis for any cultural involvement as well as the foundation for many other educational pathways. I believe that there would be less problems in modern society if more attention was given to arts and humanities in adolescents lives. Art truly does change one's life for the better.


Perhaps the most irritating thing about UCF is the difficulty finding parking at the school. During peak class hours, it can take up to 30 minutes to find a parking space, unless you are willing to park in the temporary grass lots beyond the end of the paved parking lots. Even then, there is not always assurance you will find a spot. There is also off-campus parking available, with transportation to the main campus, but this is time-consuming.


The cost of books is very high, although that is probably true of any school.


I am currently transferring from Santa Fe College to the University of Central Florida for the Spring 2010 semester, and it has been very difficult transferring all of my information from one school to the next. It is hard to remember everything that needs to be sent (transcripts, test grades, medical records, etc) and all of the things that must be organized and completed before the semester begins.




The most frustrating thing about my school would be getting the exact classes you want for each semester. Being a Freshman, it seems by the time we get to register, there isn't much left. It makes picking classes quite a project, and sometimes you end up with a class you never even wanted to take in the first place.




This year the financial aid office took a long time to disburse the money and kept adding on new paper work to complete every week, which made the process even longer.