University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


Dear High School Me, Stop stressing out so much about college! If you are open to new experiences, college will be a blast. Don't be afraid to go out and meet new people! Be prepared to be completely in charge of yourself. You, and only you, are going to determine how well you do in school, how you spend your time, how involved you get. It's a huge transition from being at home, but the independence is so worth it. Be organized, plan out how you will manage your time, and put a lot of effor into your classes at the beginning of your semesters so you will not stress out so much towards the end. Leave your door open, say hi to people in your hallway, and spend time getting to know people better. Find clubs you can get involved in, that suit your interests. Stop worrying about what you'll major in, you will find something you like with SO many different choices. You're going to have the time of your life! Best wishes, Future you


Knowing what I know now, I would advise my high school senior self to be realistic in many aspects of life. First, I would say be realistic on which school you can afford. I assumed my parents would figure out the funds in order to send me to college, but now I have realised that the money is not going to just appear. Money is important these days, especially in this economy, therefore it is very important to be realistic on which type of university my family can pay for. Secondly, I would say be realistic on where you want to spend the next four years of your life. Leaving California did not seem like a drastic change, but it was. Coming to Arizona I was forced to adjust to a new enviornment without friends or any family near. Lastly, I would tell myself to always go forth with the best effort possible; the most important thing to do is make a decision on what you want, not what others are telling you they think is the best thing for you.


I would tell myself to stay focused on academics. Start off the first semester very organized and have a plan for studying and completing school work. Attend class every day and take good notes. Prepare for tests and make sure that all papers submitted are proof read. Put school first and get my work done before doing anything social. Time managment is so important and setting priorities is a must. Don't hesitate to contact and meet my instructors with any questions or concerns.


I regret so much about high school, simply becaue I know how much better I could have done, and how important it was. If I could go back in time, I would have taken both honors and AP credit classes senior year. This would have gave me more oppertunites for scholaraships, and I wouldn't have to take some of the classes I am taking now! I didn't realize how important it really was for me to do well in high school, but I am glad I ended up where I did. I also would have done even more volunteer work, and joined many more clubs and participated in more sports and clubs. This would have allowed me to make more connections for my future, which I beleive is very important. My school would have also gave me more money, which would have helped so much both on my mother, and on myself. I know I could have worked harder my senior year, so I am making up for it now by working as hard as possible!


If I could go back to my senior year I would have started planning my time more effciently so I would be more prepared in college. Time management skills are key in being successful in college and if I would started working on those skills earlier then I would have been more organized and prepared during my first semester. It is important to find a balance between school, studying, and peronal time. All are necessary to succeed in school however, my first semester I judged my time poorly and struggled with completing work and getting enough sleep. The lack of given sturcture in college compare to highschool was a large challenge for me. I should have taken more initiative with planning my time in highschool so that when the time came for college I would already have a set routine.


I wish I really could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. If this were possible, I would have three very important things to say. First, I would remind myself what a big commitment choosing a college is. Although I was aware of this at the time, I did not give it the full time and attention it deserved. I made my decision quickly and without fully understanding what I was getting into to. Second, I would tell myself that the town/area the school is in is VERY important. Previously to actually attending college, I had no idea that the location would really matter- as long as the weather was nice. I was wrong. I never explored Tucson, where the Univeristy of Arizona is located, and I regret it. My dislike for the down has negatively impacted my college experience. Third, I would ask myself if I was actually comfortable with being far away from my family. I am from California and thought the distance would be easy, but I miss my home and my family everyday. I didn't understand how I would feel because I didn't give it sufficiant thought.


Stay ambitous and anxious about pursing a career worth your interest. Follow that goal even through the boring and uneventful times and you will be rewarded for it.


I would tell myself to be more prepared. You cannot wait around for something to happen, you have to make it happen. Life is what you make of it. Things are not going to be handed to you, you must fight for them. And fighting for what we want is not just a matter of being tough and smart, you also have to plan ahead. You have to ask yourself, "what do I want out of life? What do I want to do? And how do I get there?" Follow the steps, not just your dreams.


I would give myself the advice of quickly getting a handle on my classes, and making a schedule that included time for exercise and office hours and stick to it. The college life can become stressful and overwhelming so by having a schedule to follow you are bound to stay on top of your work and not get behind in your classes or allow your grades to slip. Office hours are a great asset to students; it gives them one-on-one attention from professors and personal help with difficult assignments. Although the transition is difficult, it is advantageous to embrace the new freedom and prove to all naysayers and your parents that you can grow up, mature, and manage all these new aspects of life on your own. I want you to work especially hard on getting involved and staying involved, this will aid you in making friends, avoiding spending all your time on homework, and is a great resume builder for jobs.


I would reassess my study habit and change the way I think about college. I would take high school as the turning point of life because what I learn in high school plays a pivotal role in how I perform at college. There's an old proverb, "morning shows the day". The success that I achieve at high school lays out a strong foundation of achieving the same success at college. However, this success is only achievable through hard work. I would do what it takes for me to perform strongly at college. I would use time consciously so it would not set me back to achieve my goals.