University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


Get involved and meet other students that you can relate to. In order to be a successful student, diligence and determination is a must. Go to a school that has multiple majors that interest you because most students change their major at least once before graduating. Also, it is so important to go to a school that excites you. Choose a university that you have pride in because your college experiences will stick with you for the rest of your life. Open up to others and make friends with the students you have class with. Having a cohesive study group helps because you can relate to one another and not feel alone when the nerves kick in. Do something you love; don't settle for a career path that you aren't enthusiastic about!


Find a school that is affordable and contributes to the human collective. Try to avoid loans and find scholarships by first submiiting the FAFSA by the school's deadline, and then searching sources such as online. Be persistant and not affraid to ask questions and talk to people face to face.


The advice that I would give to parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience would have to be to find a college that you feel comfortable in with a good atomosphere and friendly staff that answer any questions you have about the college clearly. For students I reccommend, from personal experience, not to overload yourself with more classes than you need your frist semester of college.