University of Arizona Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Arizona.


Every classmate is different and talented in their own way. Classmates that I have been fortunate enough to work with and know better are very intelligent, push me to learn as much as I can, be successful in every class, and inspire me to keep setting goals higher for myself. I have come to find that every classmate I have worked with has a great personality, and balances focusing on academics with meeting new people and enjoying their college experience.


It really depends on which class I am in. In my general education classes, most of he student don't really care about the class becuase it has nothing to do with their major. On the other hand when I am in more important classes such as chemistry, most of them are very serious about the class and make sure to pay close attention the whole class.


They are usually out going, helpful. There are a few who can act stand offish but for the most part they are very nice and love to form study groups.


The classroom experience at the University of Arizona can be summarized in one word: diversity. On campus, you will encounter students from all walks of life, religions, nationalities and interests. The school has thriving academic and research programs, very strong student activities and clubs, and Greek life, all of which are offered to students of every background. This leads to a constructive and holistic learning environment because students are exposed to differing cultures, opinions and viewpoints. This harbors understanding and broadens the students thought process, as they learn to appreciate variety, and everyone's place contributing to the whole.


My colleagues have a strong sense of camaraderie. We support eachother in our endeavors, attend eachother's lectures, and always discuss relevant topics to our research. Within the diversity of our collegiate research, we always respect eachother's point of view, and share common threads that run through our current academic endeavors. We got together this year, through our Art History Graduate Student Association, and held a fundraiser auction to support our symposium that is coming up this spring. I sold one painting during the auction to my professor Dr. Widdifield. I work among great and bright young scholars.


My classmates are motivated, energetic, school-spirited, and die-hard fans of the University of Arizona and our education.


My classmates are diverse, young and ambitious.


I have some of the most devoted and determined classmates of any major on campus. My program is ranked number five in the nation, which means the people that are being educated in it are top-notch. I feel that I am constantly competing with my classmates to be the best. We all try to work in as many research labs as possible and volunteer as much as we can. My major is pretty competitive and I attribute that to the amazing students it produces.


You are drawn to the people most like you, and the people I tend to associate with are dedicated to their education.


My classmates are my friends, my encouragement, my help when I don't understand topics, and part of the community I call my own, here at the University of Arizona.