Towson University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Classes are way harder than expected.


I wish someone told me how hard it was to get an "A" and how easy it is to get distracted.


I wish I knew that a lot of students lived in the off campus apartments and created their own communities there.


The diversity of classes offered. If I had known earlier I would have began my major on time instead of a semester late.


Everyone has a job.


I was well informed about this school before I started attending. There is nothing that I wish I had known about the university.


I wish I had known about the best teachers to take, the requirements for my major and how many classes I was allowed to re-take before using a separate application.


I wish I had understood the level of commitment that upper level classes bring. Once I hit my junior year, the work load probably tripled, and I could have used guidance and advisment on time management.


I wish I had known a little bit more about the campus and where certain bulidings were located so I did not get lost.


Towson is a wonderful school but it would have been nice to know about all the construction that would be going on for th enext four years while I was there. Construction inconvenients both the teacher and student and has made me late on a number occasions because you never knew about the detour until you got to it.