Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

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Honestly, A&M probably has more traditions than any other school in America. The saying here at A&M is that if something happens more than once, its a tradition. Another unique aspect of A&M is that 1 in 5 students are Christians, which in my opinion is my ideal environment. Wether or not someone is Christian, most everyone you encounter on campus is a postive, encouraging person, and will do almost anything to help a fellow aggie. Also, Texas A&M is the number one recruiting school in the U.S., how could you beat that?


The students are extremely proud of their school, and we love our traditions.


The amount of tradition here is astronomical. The focus on tradition is extremely noteworthy. While this remains one of the most conservative universities in Texas, if not the U.S., the students, faculty, and staff are undoubtedly the friendliest people I've yet to meet.


Texas A&M is known for its rich traditions and sense of Aggie family. This, along with its academic credibility is what lead me to choose this university. I was very interested in the other schools I applied to, but none felt more like home than A&M.


The campus is really beautiful and the people tend to be friendly and relatively open. What was unique about A&M was the extent to which they emphasized learning beyond the bounds of class instruction, specifically in their large selection of club membership possibilities. Almost any of a person's interests could indulged and it was easy to find people with which to associate and share passions, from philosophy to community service and beyond.


Our culture, traditions and sports make us very unique when compared to any other university. Every student, faculty member, proffessors are extreamly friendly and helpful to student thus aiding strong character building of a student academically and personally. I am a very proud and confident member of Texas A&M University and I could not have asked for anything better than this.


The most unique thing about Texas A&M is the Alumni program. We don't consider anyone to be a "former" Aggie, once an Aggie always an Aggie. Most schools disregard alumni until they need them to donate money. An Aggie Alumni is still a part of our family and maintains a desire to support their fellow Aggies for the rest of their lives.


The best part about A&M is the network. Being apart of the Aggie family means that the people who surround you not only during your time at A&M, but in the years to come, will always be there to hold you up and guide you through life. The A&M tradition of the 12th man dictates everything we do - from standing during football games so that if our team needed anyone of us to step in, we could, to running the largest student led service project in the nation (The Big Event) as a thanks to our community.


School Spirit


Texas A&M University has the most to offer every student that attends. It is full of opportunities for all majors and has the most school spirit. I love that the town has the small town feel but has everything a big city would. The school is beautiful and has the most helpful advisors and professors. The school offers countless tutoring sessions for all classes and 24 hour access to computer labs and libraries. Texas A&M University is the best college nation wide in my opinion.