Tennessee State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tennessee State University know before they start?


If I had to say one thing to tell parents to tell their children, I would tell them to tell their children to not to be scared to go outside of your comfort zone. When a young college freshman does that the world is opened up to them and they can experience all that the world has to offer .


First, i would say while in high school, starting no later than the junior year, start researching schools you want to go to. Go on college tours to help you get a feel of the campus. Many organizations have college tours during Spring Break where students can tour a wide variety of colleges. While visiting colleges on tours or on your own, have a list of questions to ask each college to help you narrow down your choice (ex. Is it accredited, Do they have your major, Do they offer financial aid, Student to teacher ratio, Tution amount, Size of school, Organizations). Talk to students to see how they feel about the school, and get different opinions about the college life. Talk to the head of the Department of your college major to see if they are offering scholarships and to discuss the cirruculum, since most of your classes will be in that department. Finally, weigh out the pros and cons of each school you visited to help you decide which schools you want to apply to and decide on once you get accepted.


Always make sure that the college fits the students needs. It is impotant that the student finds a school that best accomodates their wants and their needs, not only academically but also for their social activities.


My advice to future students is to start looking at colleges in High school then go see how they are like. Then make the choice the student would feel more like home at and is a perfect environment.


make sure that you take care of your business in high school so that money is easier to obtain for college through scholarships. have copies of everything. network and meet as many people as possible. be active on campus and go out the parties but know that you dont have to be at every one because most are the same thing with the same people so choose carefully. surround yourself with people who share your beliefs, this makes it easier to stay focused. be safe when it comes to the alcohol and sex, protect yourself.


I would advise call parents and student to be aware of the school surroundings before attending . Some of the surrounding will hinder you success by the bad enfluence.


Make sure that the school you choose is affordable , because your school may purge you like mine, if you cant pay on time. Also, make sure that your choice is fundamental to your major and long term goals. Be prepared to work hard and be focused because if you start to fall off, you will fail most likely.


College is one of the most influential times in life. Dont take it for granted!


Go to campus events, they are very informative. Get involved, do not stay in your room, get out and explore.


Finding the right college can be an frustating endevour however, if you are patient, focused, and determined you will find the right school for you. Finding the right school starts with researching the area that you would like to be in. If you will be needing finacial aid you need to determine if there will be any monies available to you. Also, you will need to decide what you want to major in and research to see if that school fits into your future plans career wise.