Make sure you have more than one choice just in case your first college does not accept you, nothing is guaranteed. You should also make sure you apply to as many scholarships as you can. Its good to visit the schools that you have in mind just to get a feel for the campus. Ask other students what they like and dislike about that school. Staying on campus is definitely a plus, this is how I became familiar with my school. Ask about having a mentor becuase they are always a big help. Attending school events such as seminar, football games, and other events also is a big help. Utilize the career center they help with internships and long term jobs so that you can make money on the side.
Always make sure that they give you enough money to go to school, stay home for the first 2 years so by the time Junior and Senior year come, (which are the important years) you will be able to earn more moneyto attend a bigger University. Always check out the dorms before you reside in them because some of the dorms are just too nasty to live in.
- first visit the college and see if it offers a campus tour/visit. research campus organizations and majors.
When looking for the college or university do background checks. Ask questions that people normally wouldn't ask. Get details about dorm rooms, living conditions, campus security, and student evolvement.
To prospective students and/or parents who are currently trying to find the right college for them, I would reccomend that they, as I did, make a list of the available colleges they are interested in, and sit down to review the positives and negatives of each school. This will help them narrow down their choices and see visually which school would be condusive for their educational and social needs. Also, I would reccomend that the student and parent choose a school that is not like their current living area. I chose to attend a school that would ultimately land me in a place that I'm not used to. It was two states away in an area different to that of mine. Albeit I was very nervous upon my time of acceptance, being in a new area that I was not used to has been very benificial to me throughout my matriculation. A way to make the most of anyone's college experience is to get involved in your school activities. You are paying for an experience and that such experience includes all activities that your campus has to offer. Don't just sit in your room.
Manage your money well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TAKE YOUR TIME, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions a person will have to make, that can ultimately affect the quality of their future. Rushing into that decision can put one into a positon where they are paying a LARGE quantity of money to come to a school that is either not right for them, does not provide an adequate enough education, or simply is not truly where their heart tells them to be. Your college years are the best years of your life, and it is imperative that you pick somewhere that embodies you. Once in college: GET INVOLVED. Malcolm X and Ghandi made an impact on this world by standing up and getting out their message to the masses. You can not take advantage of what your campus offers by sitting in your dorm room!!! Attend events, parties, seminars, etc. By getting your face out on campus, one will be surprised at the doors that open for them!!!
stay close to home times are tough and money is tight. stay focused and pick a school u can shine at.
When making the decision on finding a college the first thing that should be considered is financial abilities. Take time to think about wheather or not in-state or out of state is what you want to do. In doing that make sure the college you choose is one that has your major and has staff and resources to help you out through your college experience. Look into the student teacher ratios and information about the staff. Also try to take a tour of the entire campus, and if you cant take a physical tour then see if there is a virtual tour that you can take. Another thing that may also help is try to find a few people that attend the college and/or alumni of the college or colleges that you are intrested in and take some of the things they say into consideration. Those are some of the steps that can be taken to find the right college for you.
Student should always be prepared for distractions and never put their social life first. Be sure to hang around people that will not stray you from you work and that will help him/her succeed in school. Parent should always stand behind their child whether the grade are good or bad. Family support is the best support a student can recieve.