By knowing what I know now about the transition to college life, the advice I would give myself would be to look for scholarships in high school and to take paying for college seriously because the money will not just fall from the sky. Other advice that I would give myself if I was a high school senior would be to make good grades so selecting a college would not be so difficult. Because I made mistakes as a freshmen and sophomore in high school my g.p.a was not that great but because I have learned from my mistakes I now have a 3.40 g.p.a and have also did an internship with Walt Disney World Resort since i've been in college.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would advise myself not to pick my college based on my friends and go with my first pick. I would tell myself not to be so lazy and apply for more scholarships and to apply to more schools. After 3 semesters of being in college I learned that friends and fun are big part of the experience in college but the bigger part of this experience is to gain knowledge for your future so that you can lead the life that you dreamt for yourself. This is why I am applying for this scholarship, I am trying to transfer to an out of state school in the fall and i may need money to cover my out of state fees. Thank you so much for your time.
I encourage everyone to make a choice for themselves. A four-year institution, junior college, community college, or technical school is not for everyone. Some people succeed in all and others fall short. Choose a university for you not because, your friends are going there, or the school is not far from home. But, choose with your heart and your mind. Examine all your options and be willing to stick with it. College is the experience of a lifetime. Before college you're planning your life. During college you're living it. After college you're putting all your plans into motion. Choose a school where you can grow socially and academically. That's what life is truly about...progression.
I would first tell myself to pray. I would make sure that I knew the value of my faith and how I would need it all throughout my college career. I would stress the fact that studying is important. I would tell myselft to join some social groups and become an important part of making my campus better for those who come after me.
TIME MANAGEMENT!!!! You MUST start maximizing this skill set early in your college career. It is imperative in order to insure that all priorities are met and your grades don't suffer! You can do it!
The advice that I would give to myself is to study hard and continue to strive to graduate on time. Yes I know you will enjoy the parties and the games, but you will either stay in school too long or you will drop out. It is important that you study early, that way you will graduate early, and you can pursue your career. College may be fun, but it is also hard work.
Understand that collge may not be what you expect at all, but be very optimistic. Realize that you are the only one that has your best interest at heart. You will learn alot and you may also learn that you know way more than that of your peers. A social life will not mean that much once you see what you have to choose from. Keep God first always and your family close.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, there would be several things I would say. First of all, I would tell myself that COLLEGE IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL! When I first got to college, I had the same nonchalant attitude I had in high school, that everything just came naturally and was so easy. After starting classes in college, I realized things were much different. I couldn't just attend class and have the material like in high school. I actually had to go back to my dorm and study, something I didn't have much experience with. Needless to say, my apathetic attitude had to quickly change if I wanted to keep my scholarship. Maintaining a 3.3 GPA in college is much harder than it sounds. If I would've known this as a senior, I probably would have come into college with my game face on. Secondly, I would tell myself to take more Dual Enrollment classes. This semester I'll be taking 19 hours because I need classes I could have easily taken in high school. All in all, I would tell myself to be more prepared.
After having 1 1/2 years of experience of college life I would have told myself to choose a major that I can enjoy for the rest of my life instead of picking a major because of the salary and benefits. I would have paid more attention in classes and my ACT would have been flying through the roof. I would have applied for numerous scholarships and grants because college cost even more when you're an out-of-state student. My financial aid would have been completed within a few weeks and my personal college funds would have lasted for atleast 3 semesters. Im glad I had to go through these issues because I wouldnt have as much knowledge that I have today and if I wouldnt have made mistakes I would know what was right from wrong about the college life.
Dear self,
As I see you progress through your high school years I've noticed that it's almost time for you to make that big transition. I'm writting to give you a little advice! Take your work seriously and pay attention in all of your classes. Even though you may think they dont benefit you your grade point average plays a major role in the next stage of your life. It determines what colleges you may be accepted into and many scholarships are based on your knowledge. Take this time of your life to mature, because once your in college your all on your own. Mommy and daddy wont be around to do everything for you. Learn how to handle business and stand up for yourself. It's like you are entering an entire different world! Therefor before you make this big transition focus on your school work and becoming a mature adult, because there is no room in this new world for lacking and childishness. Get your head on straight kid I'm sure you can do it. Good luck!