Make sure you research how well the particular school is with your particular degree program of choice, check the distance from home so that its not too far, but no too close either, and whatever you do choose a career in which you will love when you graduate. You may change it once you get to that school, but there is nothing worst than having a career to wake up to every morning hating it or wishing you had chosen something different while in college. College is two to four years and those years are suppose to be the best years of your life. The real world is waiting and it won't necessarily embrace you with open arms.
Make sure you research what college you want to go to. Never settle for just one thing because you may not like it. Apply everywhere even if you didn't get in the first time you can always transfer.
The strategies used to find the right college depends on what that student wants to get out of going to college and their financial situations. Most students choose a school based on family traditions only to find out that it was not the ideal place for them. Parents should not pressure their children to attend their alma matters, but instead, give them a chance to research different colleges themselves.
As for making the most out of the chosen school, it is what you make it. The student is in control of his or her own experiences, and what he or she gains from each. College is a time for learning, growing, and changing. How that student develops in college will follow him or her forever. Therefore, the student must think carefully about each situation, react carefully to the situation, and assess the experiences gained from each situation. College is the last training received before entering the real world.
They should visit colleges to see how the campus life is, and to see if they would really like attending that particular that they visit.
Well when you are out there looking for a college make sure you find that one that makes your feel like one of the family and not a number. Make sure you choose a place where you know you will be happy and enjoy.
In choosing a college for parent/and or student, you need to be able to make sure the selection you've made is the right one by doing several of the following things. The first thing that you should do, (and me being a christian) is pray about it. The second thing you should do, is see if the college has your career field of study. The third thing you should do, is realize what kind of person you are and find out if going away or staying at home is best. The fourth thing you should do is visit the school and see what kind of vibe you get, and see how friendly and helpful the students, faculty, and staff are. And as far as enjoying college is concerned, make the most of everyday you are there, because it is the best time of your life. Another thing is don't wait til the last minute to study, because you will regret it. Also, no matter how many parties or other activites are going on at school and in your life, remember, school always comes first! And one more thing, remember, no one can ever take that degree away!
Do as much research as possible to choose the college that fits you exactly.
use ur best judgement on what u know or have heard because im sure at some point a little of it is true
Think about what you want to be and think about your decision critically.
The advice I would give parents and students about finding the right college is to make sure the college or university is accredited, the school is affordable, it's a safe environment, the professors are true to the subject, and has a family-based atmosphere. It's very important for new students to feel welcome once in a new place because it may be essential to their future success and also teaches them to adapt to new places. As an out-of-state student, it was very easy for me to adapt at Southern University because the people here are very friendly and helpful. Students should also dedicate time to their community by volunteering. At Southern University, voluteering is a MUST. Volunteering shows your appreciation for the community. While attending college, one should make to most of it because it is truly one of the best parts of life. Participate in as much as you can and try to meet as many people as you can for one never knows who will be able to help them with future endeavors.