San Joaquin Delta College Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Joaquin Delta College know before they start?


I would tell myself not to let anything get in the way of my education. When I first started college it was going smooth until the work started pilling up, and I thought it was too much because I wanted to go out with my friends. Now I know that school should have been my top priority, and the parties go at the end of the list after all my work is complete.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself three things: pay attention, take advanced classes, and socialize. The biggest aspect of my life that I regret is not taking high school seriously. Even though I graduated with decent grades, I did not absorb the amount of information I should have, and that has had a direct impact on my college education. Taking advanced classes would have furthered my knowledge, especially my analytical skills which are very important in college. Finally, I would tell myself to make friends with a diverse group of people instead of that single group of friends you have known your entire life. This would have given me a more in-depth perspective of different educational paths, career paths, and even just "life paths".


I would tell myself "Kassie, STOP WORRYING!" I stressed myself out way too much. Things are going great now. College life is wonderful! I wish I enjoyed life more in high school instead of being scared about the future. I would also say take a deep breath every once in a while. It helps me feel better.