Saint Mary’s College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Mary’s College know before they start?


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the college transition, advice I would give myself would be to try my absoulte hardest at everything I do. A task that is done half-heartedly will not get you anywhere in the college world, or the real world. In high shool, especially as a senior, it is easy to slack off or not do your absolute best work. Sometimes,"good" work is good enough, but you want to always strive to be spectacular. Doing the best you can at absolutely everything is crucial to college life and I think that if I were to go back to senior year, I would tell myself to write that extra paragraph or do those extra math problems, just because. You are not hurting anything by doing extra or more than needed, you are helping yourself and shaping yourself into the best person you can be.


I would tell myself to not be afriad to step out of my comfort zone and to try new things. Some of the best experiences I have had so far have been doing things that I never would have expected myself to do. It makes school a lot more fun and you definitely find out a lot about yourself. I would also tell myself to continue to study hard. Don't take getting good grades for granted because in college, there is no weighted GPA for honors classes like there were in high school. That shocked me when I started in college and my first year grades were not the best because I was so used to breezing through high school without having to try too hard. College is a lot more challenging and you definitely need to know how to use your time wisely because due dates come up quickly and exams are worth a lot more in your grades. There are not usually any bonus points or homework grades to help inflate your grade. It's all up to you.


I would tell myself not to come to Saint Mary's College. I would tell myself not to put so much emphasis on finding a Catholic school when looking for colleges, because at any school it is is the same. You have to do it yourself if you want to strengthen your faith, whether you are at a Catholic school or not. I would tell myself to focus on finding on a sense of community at whatever school I choose, such as greek life or some type of group to help me meet people with common interests. I wish I would have known that Saint Mary's has nothing like that. I would also insist on not going to an all-girls school. Some people enjoy it, but I had so many great friends who were men in high school and I now have none. I would have also suggested going to a college where I didn't know anyone so that I could leave my comfort zone in order to grow. Even though rooming with my best friend from high school has gone smoothly, I wish I hadn't known anyone coming in.


If I coul travel back in time and talk to myslef as a senior in high school I would try to give some advice about how challenging it can be to transistion into college life. I would tell myself not to worry that everyone goes through hard times getting used to being away from home, people might not show it but everyone goes through it at some point. I would also tell myself that it's okay to cry, and let it all out. It is perfectly acceptable to feel homesick. It is okay to feel like everyone is adjusting faster than you. I would tell myself that everyone reacts to college life differently. I would also give myself advice about classes. I would remind myself that I am here to learn and I shouldn't feel bad if I am studying more than others or if I chose to stay in the dorm instead of going out to party. Lastly, the most important thing I would tell myself is to just be yourself and have fun, enjoy your time at college, with new friends and new experiences. Don't take any part of it for granted.


I know that life is not easy, but everyone has their own obstacles to overcome too. Dont forget to give yourself credit when its due. Life is always best in the present, take advantage of the time you have now, today only comes once. Even though you are struggling now, it gets better but it starts with you wanting to try. I will tell you right now your first attempt is a success at first but its not your end result. Do your best and think about your future self because you are setting yourself up for them now.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are so many things that I would tell myself. First, I would start off by telling myself that it was going to be a fun but stressful journey. I would tell myself to plan ahead more and be on top of things more. I used to procrastinate, but I have learned that that is not a good thing to do to yourself in college. I would tell myself to work ahead and stay ahead. Also, I would tell myself to prepare to meet different kinds of people than I had been used to my whole life. And to just be opened to learning about their lifestyle. One big thing that I would tell myself would be to call my mom more often than I did. It was tough for her and I did not talk to her as much as I probably should have. For me, it was a coping mechanism not to be homesick, but I have learned that it is okay to be homesick sometimes. Lastly, I would tell myself to smile often and laugh even more!


Dear Talia, You are about to move 800 miles away to live on your own for the very first time. Congratulations! Don’t be afraid, be excited for all the changes you are about to endure. Your little life is about to bloom and make great impact! You are smarter and more loving than you think. In the next four years you will meet a woman who will change the way you think about the world. Her name is Ann Clark. Don’t be afraid of her! She will become the most important person in your life. You will discover yourself through her guidance and learn to accept you for you. Don’t worry; Professor Clark will remain in your life after college. Talia, remember to be open to new experiences; they will enrich your life. Remember that being vulnerable is not a personal flaw, but a blessing. Keep the relationships you form close to your heart, they will bring comfort to you in times of great despair. Remember to smile and know that the troubles you are faced with right now will no longer be painful; but most importantly, remember to love.


I would tell myself to relax and enjoy high school, because there is a lot less personal responsibilty when you live at home. I would advise mysefl not to stress so much about making a college decision and moving to college. I was focused on finding the perfect school and, in reality, there is no perfect school. Every college has is perks and downsides, but one just needs to try their best to find the one they fit into.


Dear High School Self, Right now you are down to two choices. I won't tell you which one you choose, but it will be a good one. Just remember that this is a fresh start. No one knows you here and you can be whoever you want, but don't forget who you are. The next few years are going to be tough. You are going to be challenged beyond your imagination, but you are going to come out winning. Remember the importance of naps, the insignifcance of "boys," and the desire to fulfill your dreams. There will be obstacles, but you won't go through them alone. Always stick by your friends, your family, and your God. None of them can ever let you down unless you let them. You will get tired and grow weary, but always push for that extra 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, always be open to new things, and always speak your mind. Stand strong and stay true to yourself and you will have no regrets. Yours in Christ, Your College Self


I would tell myself not to care what people think. I would encourage myself to be more friendly and make more of an effort to get to know more people. I would tell myself that even though you might be homesick at first, do not worry about it because that will go away quickly. I also would tell myself to get more involved and to spend more time seeing how I could get involved. I would tell myself to focus on school but also have fun because these are the best years of my life.