To find the right college, the most important thing to not focus on that seems like the most important thing is finance. College is hard to budget these days regardless of where you go, so do not let it be you biggest priority when selecting. Focus more on what school seems to fit your needs and wants better. In the end, getting a better education at a pricier school will offer you more options when it comes time to selecting a career than choosing otherwise. I would also recommend taking the time off to go away to those college's orientations and tours. I spent a weekend at my university while I was still in the process of selecting a school, and after that weekend there spending hours on campus getting the feel of the life, students, and atmosphere there I knew what my choice was. It is imperative that you are positive what exactly you want out of your college experience, and then you should make it a top priority in your decision making process to visit all schools as much as possible before deciding and then compare a pro and cons list off the schools. Good Luck!
I have learned alot in these my years as an undergraduate, and I love helping others and giving back, as those have done for me. Not everybody comes into school with the same amount of academic knowledge. The statement that everybody comes into college on a clean new slate, is not 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} true. Some students are smarter than others, but dont let that get to you, just be ready to give it your all and do your very best. You cant feel like you didnt do well if you honestly gave it your all the hole way through! Just never give up on your main goal, and you will make it to the finish line, because there will be people that will come to help you when they see you struggling, but still giving it your all, as they do for me till today!!
Finances are also a big thing, when choosing a college and the prices for their tuition, just think of it over a period time ,4-5years, and know that it will go up every new school year, and just make sure that you'll be able to afford it. Especially as an out-of-state student.
I would tell parents and potential students to focus on their aspirations when applying to schools rather than shear status of the potential school. I originally did not believe the university I chose to attend was one of my top picks. However, after putting my focus ahead of my prior misconceptions, I realized that my university made far more opportunities available to me than other schools where I was accepted. The magnitude of research, innovation and openness to all ideas allows me to speak leaps and bounds about my university. Although the focus of my university was primarily on academia, all students have the ability to join a club or society that allows them to express themselves. The number of opportunities available for such expression should always weigh equally on a student?s decision for college. I say this because it is through these doors that students will be able to discover their creativity and skills. Student government was one such organization that allowed me to ascertain my political ability, leadership strengths and my targets for future projects. I would highly recommend all students to first analyze their goals and then focus on their needs when applying to colleges/universities.
Finding the right college for your student is an arduous task. When one is searching for a college it is important to note a few things. First does the college have a diverse curriculum. This im important because people like to change their career paths. Secondly, does the college cater to the students as far as socially. These are the best years of the students life it is important that college is both balanced academically and socially. Lastly, does the college have a good alumni relationship. This is important for internship opportunities, job offers, and other benefits. If a school is complacent in these three areas than i feel that it is a good fit for the student. In time one adapts to his/her surrounding area and makes the best of it.
Take advantage of resources that your school offers. Students should follow their hearts with the major/career that they want to do. If you can't decide, do as much research as possible and the rest will follow.
I thought that throughout my college experience the most helpful way of deciding of where I wanted to go was visiting the school. If you visit the school you get a sense the people and this helps find the kind of people like you and the people you want to be around for the next four years.
It is important to narrow a search with criteria such as how many students attend the school, how far or close the school is to home, and what type of envirnment the school is located in. Once that is done, the best way to get a feel for the campus is by visiting it in person. Tours are great to take in as much of the campus as you can, but they do not give the whole picture. Stay with someone over the weekend and learn what the social life is like. After that, really consider price and scholarships because more than 9 out of 10 kids coming out of highschool will enjoy the school they go to where ever that may be.
really read up and investigate the institution you want to go to and visit the campus.
As going the courses are the most important aspect of college, one must pick a school that offers classes which appear interesting. Therefore, doing extensive research as the the variety and the prestige of the departments in the school is vital. Ideally, a college should have respected professors that will make going to class more enjoyable and learning the material a lot easier. However, school is not just about what happens in the classroom. A college should regularly offer clubs or programs that excite the potential student.
Go to your favorite place, do ont go because of the name