Rutgers University-New Brunswick Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I haven't lived in a dorm since freshman year, but from what I remember the doors were open and everyone seemed to be very friendly. Athletic events have gained popular in recent years. A few years ago you could to a football game without question of having a great seat. Now, you have to claim your ticket a week before and show up at least an hour early to get a good seat. Students are enthusiastic about guest speakers. Last year the Dali Lama spoke at Rutgers. The entire football field filled up to see him. John Corzine drew a good crowd as well. The last weekend of classes before finals. Rutgersfest. The best weekend of the year. Big name bands, big time parties. Kanye West, Dropkick Murphys, Nas, The Roots, Everclear, OK Go, among others have graced the stage. Anything can happen this weekend. Freshman year police pepper sprayed the crowd during Dropkick Murphys. Last year it rained so it was inside and no one showed up. Either way, it is great.


I don't find guest speakers or theater events to be popular especially compared to athletic events. Students spend most of their free time relaxing with friends instead of attending events. Through these evenings of small gatherings we do lots of networking and I think that is where students meet the majority of their friends. People usually party two nights a week and they tend to enjoy themed parties the best (Tennis and golf costumes, Barbies and G.I. Joes, ect). Free NJ Transit week is a very popular event on campus. Last weekend I went to the Guggenheim Museum and the train back and forth to New Brunswick was exploding with students. Students usually watch movies or go to the mall on a Saturday when they aren't partying.


I wish I knew. I try to not be too involved with groups, especially sororities. Yes, doors are normally left open depending on the living situation. Football games are ridiculously intense, causing more traffic than the pope coming for a visit. The dating scene is more of a 'Am I drunk enough to actually hook up with you?' scene. I met my closest friends when I was forced to live with them in a suite. Being awake at 2am either means I'm not sober, or I'm not sober and watching TV. Or I could be doing work. People party in the very least, all weekend. To the people who belong to frats and sororties, they're incredibly important. Last weekend I probably got hammered. And then did homework. In this order. I have a good focus on things. I've spent a few Saturday nights strictly catching up on work. Comedy clubs are among my favorite things to do off campus. Next to enjoying sitting in a car, and not a bus.