People with motivation, passion, future should attend Oregon State University, especially the ones who are seeking for a career in pharmacy or engineering. Oregon State University has one of the largest research facilities that students have the access to. If you love science and are passionate about it, you need to attend Oregon State University.
Someone who doesn't mind large lecture halls and not really talking to professors
A student should attend Oregon State if they want a well-rounded academic experience and don't mind not having too much to do outside of school.
There is no certain type of person who should attend this college. Everybody that I have meet so far has their own personality and is unique. As mentioned, the student body greatly accepts people of all personalities. Whether you have a passion for human rights or a love for the environment, you will fit in at Ithaca. Ithaca is generally a very liberal school but there are still students who are moderate or on the other side of the political spectrum.
A potential student should have some degree of self-discipline and time management. Coursework is challenging and tuition is fairly expensive, which directly relates to the quality of education that can be received from Oregon State.
A person should attend Oregon State University if they are looking for a safe, fun, and interactive community. Oregon State University is a four year college which means students need to live on or around campus and not in the city. OSU requires commitment from their students, but allows for so many possibilities not allowed at other schools for fun and for their degree.
This school is very diverse and there are many different walks of life here. I would say anybody looking for a good education ,that does not want to pay a lot, and has a strong work ethic.
Anybody interested in a well-rounded liberal education.
Oregon State University is for anyone who is passionate and dedicated. Someone willing to further their education and would like to have a great college experience. It is for a person that would like to live in a semi-small campus and city with outstanding teaching instructors. This school is a good match for anyone who would like to get involved in the community or with the school and almost every career has an organization for student involvement.
Oregon State University is best for a student that is interested in science or engineering. There is a very good engineering program with an amazing brand new facility. Oregon State University also offers great science facilities and a wide variety of classes. There are also a lot of opportunities for students who like to get involved with their environment. OSU has many clubs and organizations dedicated to creating a sustainable campus and there are also a lot of opportunities to get involved with farm animals.