Oral Roberts University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Oral Roberts University know before they start?


That highschool to college is a hard transition, but it is duable.


I would just say to not succumb to guy pressure. Go in with an open mind and expect to make mistakes. Things may not go your way and you may stumble and fall but don't get yourself down. Use those situations as foundations for good and remember that school work is more important than friends and boyfriends and that they should understand that. Most of all, be yourself and try to dab into everything your campus has to offer at least one. Oh and when choosing a major don't stress out. Take your time and pick one that you'll enjoy for the rest of your life. Don't choose a major because of its high income alone.


The advice I would give to myself as a highschool senior would be to have stayed in a math class my senior year and challenged myself more so I would be prepared for the hard work involved in college. I would also tell myself that all the money I earned as a senior should be saved and used for college tuition or as spending money for things like laundry and laundry detergent. But having said that I have learned a lot through my experience and the transition and don't take it for granted. It has helped me become the person I am today. I have realized the goals, wants, and needs I have for myself for now and the future. I have more determination to be the best I can be because of the transition I went through.


I would tell my younger self to go ahead and take that year off before jumping into school because the real world experience and knowledge gained is priceless. That way you would've made fewer mistakes, saved more money for school, and made a better choice for schooling rather than just jumping in because everyone else did. But overall younger self even though it didn't happen that way, things are not that bad so just keep on living.


Study hard and apply yourself when you get to college. Participate in everything you can, particularly related to your major. Get involved in the groups, organizations that are a part of your field. Take the time to socialize and have fun.


I would tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity which presents itself that is postive. I would also tell myself to not only really strive hard to meet lots of people but to truly cherish those relationships and friendships. College is the opportunity to make life-long friends that will have a big impact on you for the rest of your life and you should make sure to develop many close relationships. Lastly, I would tell myself to be more proactive in looking for scholarships and really prove to others that you deserve scholarships and that you are a solid student as well as a solid person.


Apply to Oral Roberts University as soon as possible and start working towards going there. It'll be the best decision you can make for yourself at this point in time.


Don't be afraid. College isn't as scary as it seems. Yes, you're moving out and living on your own, but with that you will get to know who you really are. Just one thing; never lose faith. When all else fails and everything seems to not be working out, God is carrying you through it all. School is tough, but keep focus and push through to the end. One day you will graduate and just imagine the great accomplishment you will have made. Don't be afraid to take risks because when you look back at life you don't want any regrets, however, with saying that, don't "go off the deep end". Take the risks but make sure to think through it and pray about it. God will bless your life. Keep your focus and strive to be the best.


Try something new! Do not be afraid of leaving home and traveling to a far away place. The world is exciting and is begging to be discovered. There is so much to see and experience. Do not waist your college years because you cannot get them back. Most of all live as if there is no tomorrow, but plan as if there will be.


In order to find the right college, don't take the school's online information as your final reason for going. Go visit the school during their college weekend retreats for prospective students and just on a regular old tuesday so that you get a taste of what the school is about on any day of the week. To make the most of your college experience, get out and make friends; don't ever stay in your room all the time.