Find a way to make money work. There is no price for the right education. If the school feels right , find a way. Work, save, loans, Military will help. DO NOT SETTLE! If you have your heart set on a cetain place go for it. Actions speak louder than words. WOrk for what you want. Laziness goes nowhere.
College will make you into a stronger person. I didn't like things about my school, like my classmates, but I had friends and professors there to help me excel and do things I never thought of before. My school taught me not only my choice about a major, but how to have strong leadership skills and succeed in all aspects of my life. That is jsut as important as a homework problem.
Pick a school that will fit your personality type. If you want to be a leader, than come to Norwich or a school like Norwich.
Find a college that suits you as a student. Make sure you are in an environment that will not only enable you to study without to many distractions, but be able to have a social life so as not to be stressed out all the time. To live the college experience depends on how you go about it. You can either live in your room, live out on the town, or find a balance between the two.
I would simply tell them to ask teachers for advice and visit the school(s) and after visiting, you will know if that is the school you want to further your education.
Making the most of the college experience is all about getting involved and just enjoying every minute at school, because college is supposed to be fun as much as it supposed to set you up for your future.
-Nick Bakos
College is what you make of it. If you do not care about education and simply want the experience then go to a school that is inexpensive and has no standard for academic excellence. If however you want an education but think it might be tough to balance a party life style with school, then STAY AWAY from schools known for that type of society. If you work hard you WILL get into a school and you WILL graduate, but schools do not like slackers. The more you work, the more you will get out of your college experience. So find the school that will make you work the hardest!
We promise we won't haze your child.... unless you want us to...
I would say find a school makes you feel comfortable and safe. At your home you need to feel safe, at your school you need to feel safe. Also be as involved as you can. When you look back you don't want to say "shoulda, woulda, coulda." The more you are involved in the more stories you have and the more you interact with different types of people which is a huge growing experience. Try something you've never tried before!! One last thing, make smart choices. It is the kids who go out and take thier education for granted who will end up in the wrong spot. Study hard and have fun!!
Don't make money the deciding factor.
Find out the details about the aspects of your specific major and the differences that each school has.