Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College know before they start?


Hey, calm down, it'll all be okay. Sure, one minute you're hanging out with your friends, laughing and enjoying your summer like you always have, and then you blink, and your friends are scattered across the country and you're tackling college all by yourself. The training wheels come off seemingly too soon, and you have to learn to adapt to new, intimidating place at the same time you have to say goodbye to your friends possibly forever; it's certainly stressful. However, you can adapt and thrive in school. And I know change is hard for you, and indeed it will be stressful to be in a completely new environment at times, but that's life, and you'll get used it. You'll realize that college is doable, and even fun; it's a place where you can truly become yourself and work towards and develop your goals for the future. So, my advice to you (me), would be to stop stressing about college. Enjoy being with your friends, and realize that those seemingly insignificant times with your friends now are actually the memories you'll hold most dear to your heart when they're gone.


First I will be more attentive and follow all the instruction. Work more hard to get better GPA . I will do all my assignment and ask question, explaination to the field or subject I didn't understand. I will work close with the teacher knowing that eduction will better my future and give me a better job. I will sing to myself when I get discourage "EDUCTION IS THE KEY TO A BETTER LIFE AND BETTER JOB" . I will remind myself that I won't be depending on my parent forever, soon will be on my own. Further more, I want a better life than my parent.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to be more focused. You need to study in college, even if in high school you never needed it to get good grades. College life is rough. Mom and Dad aren't there to make you get up, make you go to class, make you work on homework and study, or make you go to bed at night. I would tell myself that I need to work on being independent and making those decisions everyday for myself. I would tell myself to learn to budget money better and balance my checkbook often. I would tell myself not to fall into the trap of credit cards given out to college students that don't know any better. You need to understand credit, how it works and how it can affect your life, positively and negatively for the rest of your life. These are the lessons I would teach myself if I could go back. These were the lessons I learned the hard way.


If i could go back ten years ago, i would've listened to the advice that surrounded me. Like many teenagers, i thought i knew everything. I always thought there would be so much time to return to school. I wanted to have fun! Life passes you by so quickly. Retuning back to school is very challenging! I now have to take classes as a review because much time has passed. Honestly, if I would've continued my education immediately I would save myself time and financial resources. I now am a single mother , returning to school is an even bigger challenge. I wish i would've taken the oppurtunity without the added responsilbility. College should be your passion and your journey in life. Pursue those goals to the fullest! Not only will it make you a confident and a productive member of society, but it will also secure the future of yourself and your family.


Don't procrastinate. When you have something to do, get it done right away and not wait till the last minute, because in college you don't get a second chance to turn it in. Push yourself to the fullest.


If I ever had the chance to go back in time to talk with myself as a high school senior about college life and of what I know now. I would tell myself that so much has happened so much has been gained and lost. However, your life is only the beginning. Be more confident in yourself instead of second guessing. Don?t over think too much or care what others have to say because in the end, you?re the only one who matters anyway. Life is not always as easy as you might think it to be, it is hard filled with an adventurous journey. Life is a journey, we live and we learn. In that journey, we will make mistakes, but with that mistake we learn how to deal with who we are. We discover more of who we are, instead of what others want. We are not a blank canvas, but a masterpiece of our own doing. We are the future, we make the decisions, and we are the future leading towards a more potential future that lies ahead of us. We are the future makers of a new era.