The advice I would have given myself as a high school senior was to not worry about the obstacles I was facing, but to focus on my grades instead. I would tell myself to set goals and act on them as opposed to getting discouraged over the negative things that were taking place in life. Discovering an alternative plan for my education and having it set before I graduated high school would be an important task to have completed. Not knowing the direction you're heading in after graduation is an unsettling feeling. Last but not least, the most important advice I would give myself would be to not procrastinate. It's hard to be successful when you don't have the ability to take your time on an assignment. Every good grade counts and the excess stress you put on yourself isn't worth it.
I wish I started school right after high school but I do not regret it since I learned a lot from the military and theat experience will help push me to succeed doing whatever I do.
make time of your own to go out or to relax or take a day of your own with friends or family. you need to make that time at least once a week because homework and stress can pile up real fast, without you even knowing it.
If I could magically go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to focus on school work and branch out and take more classes, even though I didn't necissarily need them. Sure, spending most of my day in the artroom was awesome, and taking a college lever art class was beneficial to me, since art is my passion, but I should have taken more classes that I could have got college credits for. Truely focus on what you are at college to do, because that education is going to be very beneficial in the long run. You only get one chance to make it, so why would you want to settle for second best?
Try to focus more on your homeowork. Try not to feel tired during class time.
When you think of college, you think of parties because that’s what others told you what college is. In truth college is your choice. You decide to go to class. Attending class might or might not go towards your grade. Attending class though will help you pass. The teacher might give you clues on what might be on the test and/or what to study. Always come to class prepared, you don’t know what the teacher might ask for. Take courses that you know will be helpful in the future. You could save a lot of money.
When I was in school I didn’t think I’d chose Accounting as a program, so I didn’t take accounting in school. I should have taken that class just in case, so I’d know what I was getting into. I know that repetition helps me remember and if I'd taken accounting in school, I would have been more familiar with the material that I'm currently learning.
All I'm saying is that college could be tough if you don't know what to expect and don't rush.
Go for it. Some people just aren't going to like you anyway so live big and don't be afraid.'re smarter than you think.
If I could go back in time and talk to yourself as a high school senior what advice would you give myself? Follow your passion. Do what you enjoy doing. Even if you are making a lot of money, if you are not enjoying it, it will not be worth it. More likely, if you do not enjoy what you are doing you are probably not going to be successful at it. Do not let others choose your path for you, not even will meaning parents. Figure out what drives you, what activities you get lost in, and what motivates you. Then figure out how you can use that to help others. Talk with people. It is amazing how much we don’t know. Do not let yourself be boxed in by those who think they know everything. Do not let others define you or tell you what your limitations are. It is not a matter of whether or not you can make a living doing what you enjoy. Instead you should be asking- how do I make it happen?
Okay, kid. I know in your freshman year you hated the world. Your sophomore year, you were close to giving up. Your junior year, you switched gears and went into a downward spiral. But in your senior year, you said enough's enough. You picked yourself back up, and you made the promise to go to college and become the person you've always dreamed of being. I couldn't be any more proud of you for making that choice. I want you to remember that nothing can get in your way. College is the most frightening, stressful, confusing, exciting, and best time of your life. Throughout your teens, you struggled with depression and finding the motivation to continue, but you did it. You graduated! You got accepted into college! There's nothing you can't do now. You've made a 180 degree spin and you became your own hero. The scars on your body are battle wounds; you've made it through the storm. You are the female Hercules, fighting your own set of dragons. This new chapter of your life will be exhilerating, but face it head on. You can do this. We can do this.
I would tell myself to join more clubs and do more research on what I want to do for a career. i know now that I would like to go for gerontology. However, I want to get a masters in it and only out of state colleges offer that. I need to transfer now and I should have researched that as well.