North Carolina State University at Raleigh Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?




I enjoy the variety of activities that one can do here.


The school spirit. People tend to unite for basketball and football games




School spirit!


I like that the school spirit is intense, and I feel my professors really care if i succeed. I also like that they are all very well knowledgable in their areas of teaching.


The united feeling we all feel after any major incident. Tragedies in our nation, at surroundings schools and on our own campus bring us all closer together and help us to grow in respect, understanding and friendship.


I enjoy how close my science classes are and how close it is to my house.


The best thing about my school is the overall spirit. Students, faculty, and alumni truly love the school and spend countless hours making it a better place. There is great pride in the school and strong bonds between students. This makes for a competetive, but cooperative, environment that is essential to strong performance in the classroom, in research, in athletics, and in the arts. Using this pride, students and others band together to give back to the community on campus and in the surrounding communities.


Everyone seems to be so friendly here. NC State offers something for everyone because it is so big. The university strongly recommends finding your own community to be a part of, and I can promise there are enough clubs, sports, etc for someone to feel at home.