If you want small class sizes, for your professors to hold your hand thorugh assignments, and dont plan to put mcuh time into the material outside of class then dont bother applying. NCSU has a steep learning curve, espesially in its STEM courses. The professors are willing to help you the best they can but they will not seek you out; there are too many students to do that. Besides design and textiles, if you are more liberal arts (english, art, etc) minded I would recomend a different school as we are primarily a STEM school
You shouldn't attend this school if you don't like big colleges. You always see someone new walking to class everyday, and class sizes are usually pretty big. If you don't like being challenged in your studies and learning new things everyday, you shouldn't attend this school. Also, if you don't like football, NCSU isn't the school for you.
This school is for anyone who likes a city atomosphere.
Someon who doesn't like a big campus or large class sizes.
Anyone that does not like going to a big school.
Shouldn't attend is a wrong way of saying it any person can attend NC State as long as the person is willing to take school serious, go to class, and have the grades.
Students with majors in the college of sciences and college ofengineering will be challenged ever day in and out of class. All students planning to join NC State with a engineering or science degree should arrive ready to work hard, and even more importantly, work with other students on a regular basis. Any student that is not ready to work with other students should consider a different path for their education.
In my opinon, anyone could make NC State their own, as long as they were willing to make an effort to find their niche. NC State is a very diverse campus, and chances are that anyone could find the one group of people that they would fit in with the best. Personally, I was terrified going to college, I thought I wouldn't find any friends. However, I managed to find a group of people that have made my experience fantastic.
People who are undedicated to their work truly do not belong at North Carolina State University. Those who attend the school are passoniate about their field of study and want to be in school.
The kind of person who shouldn't attend this school is someone who does not want to work hard. The academics are rigorous at NCSU and it will take hard work and determination to graduate. But, much will be learned and a job after graduation is often guarunteed.