Newberry College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


For purpose, passion, and personal attention which also serves as our motto. Passion because we are pushed to find what we love to do and how to help people through it. Purpose to find what we are supposed to do and to make al iving out of it. Lastly, personal attention because since Newberry is such a small campus, professors know each student in their class by name and may be cheering them on at a game. We all know each other and we try to do the best for each other.


I would say that my college is known for its athletics. Over half of the campus are involved in athletics


Our school is most known for it's sense of community and moral up keep. There are many students who do community service at the local YMCA, as well as other places in the city. If there is one thing I can say for sure, it's that if you go to Newberry College, chances are that you will do some community service before the year is over.


Newberry College is best known for not having a mascot during the 2008-2009 school year.